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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Rails & AngularJS

This is a description on how to add AngularJS to a Rails App.

  • Put the angular javascript files into assets/javascripts/lib/angular-xxx

  • Add the libs to an index file (if you are not using anything else, application.js)

  • Add your apps dependencies to the same file

          # app/assets/javascripts/
          #= require lib/angular-xxx/angular
          #= require lib/angular-xxx/angular-route
          #= require app/main
          #= require app/routes
          #= require_tree ./app/controllers
          #= require_tree ./app/services
  • load your app in your main file

          # app/assets/javascripts/app/
          @app = angular.module("myApp", ['ngRoute'])
  • Add the routes

          # app/assets/javascripts/app/
          #= depend_on_asset "app/templates/home.html"
          @app.config(['$routeProvider', ($routeProvider) ->
              templateUrl: '<%= asset_path("app/templates/home.html") %>',
              controller: "HomeController"
  • Add an initializer to allow your Template Engine to render the templates

          # config/initializers/assets_slim_template.rb
          Rails.application.assets.register_engine('.slim', Slim::Template)
  • Add controllers

          # app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/
          class HomeController
            @$inject = ["$scope"]
            constructor: ($scope) ->
              $scope.message = "Hello World"
          @app.controller "HomeController", HomeController
  • Add templates

          # app/assets/javascripts/app/templates/home.html.slim
          Message: {{ message }}
  • etc.

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