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Created April 30, 2015 10:21
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- Read and understand Effective Go
code structure and look
- use rules from effective go
- always use gofmt/goimports to format code
- write code for the reader, a file should "tell a story"
- important and public code goes first
- functions that belong together (all Select*, Insert*.... functions) should be in the same place
- use the shortest name that is self explanatory
- dont forget the package name will be used as identifer, too. (json.Encoder vs json.JSONEncoder).
- The length of the identifier should relate to the scope its used in.
- always think about access levels (private/public). they tell the reader what is meant to be used from the outside.
- avoid very long files, unless the contents are trivial / doing very much the same thing (like a collection of routes)
- dont try to be to clever, avoid magic, be explicit
- write self-documenting code
- comment _why_ the code is doing something, not _what_ it is doing.
- avoid comments when "extract function" is better suited to explain functionality.
- "dont make me think"
- dont think like in java, there is no inheritance. use structural and functional composition.
- when returning multiple values from functions, name them when its not clear which value contains what.
- do not use implicit returns
- always handle errors explicitly
- if it does not matter, ignore errors explicitly (fh, _ = os.Open(..))
- be aware that `defer fh.Close()` silently ignores the error
- when there is too much error handling, having a function/structure that operates until an error occures and ignores all other calls works fine. the error can be checked afterwards.
- example: Scanner
- using panics is fine but your own panics may not leave package boundaries.
- example: the json package uses panics when parsing errors occur but catches them at the package boundaries and converts to errors.
- try to use the stdlibs interfaces when possible. go's implicit interfaces make that very easy.
- use an interface as narrow as possible. (Interface segregation principle)
- avoid dependencies with interfaces, this makes testing easier as well.
- the user should define the interface used (~dependency inversion).
- init functions
- avoid when possible
- have a init.go file per package and only one init functions per package
- be aware of call order for globals and init functions
- use the go build ./.. && go vet ./... && go test ./... toolchain (go generate first when needed)
- evaluate
- try to avoid state.
- dont try to be to clever, avoid magic, be explicit.
- dont use reflect unless you have to
- do not optimize to early. parallelize only when really needed.
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