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Created July 5, 2016 21:28
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PySpark Jupyter Notebook configuration
# Jupyter Notebook Python, Spark, Mesos Stack
## What it Gives You
* Jupyter Notebook 4.2.x
* Conda Python 3.x and Python 2.7.x environments
* pyspark, pandas, matplotlib, scipy, seaborn, scikit-learn pre-installed
* Spark 1.6.0 for use in local mode or to connect to a cluster of Spark workers
* Mesos client 0.22 binary that can communicate with a Mesos master
## Using Spark Local Mode
This configuration is nice for using Spark on small, local data.
0. Run the container as shown above.
2. Open a Python 2 or 3 notebook.
3. Create a `SparkContext` configured for local mode.
For example, the first few cells in the notebook might read:
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext('local[*]')
# do something to prove it works
rdd = sc.parallelize(range(1000))
rdd.takeSample(False, 5)
## Connecting to a Spark Cluster on Mesos
This configuration allows your compute cluster to scale with your data.
0. [Deploy Spark on Mesos](
1. Configure each slave with [the `--no-switch_user` flag]( or create the `jovyan` user on every slave node.
2. Ensure Python 2.x and/or 3.x and any Python libraries you wish to use in your Spark lambda functions are installed on your Spark workers.
3. Open a Python 2 or 3 notebook.
5. Create a `SparkConf` instance in a new notebook pointing to your Mesos master node (or Zookeeper instance) and Spark binary package location.
6. Create a `SparkContext` using this configuration.
For example, the first few cells in a Python 3 notebook might read:
import os
# make sure pyspark tells workers to use python3 not 2 if both are installed
os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = '/usr/bin/python3'
import pyspark
conf = pyspark.SparkConf()
# point to mesos master or zookeeper entry (e.g., zk://
# point to spark binary package in HDFS or on local filesystem on all slave
# nodes (e.g., file:///opt/spark/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz)
conf.set("spark.executor.uri", "hdfs://")
# set other options as desired
conf.set("spark.executor.memory", "8g")
conf.set("spark.core.connection.ack.wait.timeout", "1200")
# create the context
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(conf=conf)
# do something to prove it works
rdd = sc.parallelize(range(100000000))
To use Python 2 in the notebook and on the workers, change the `PYSPARK_PYTHON` environment variable to point to the location of the Python 2.x interpreter binary. If you leave this environment variable unset, it defaults to `python`.
Of course, all of this can be hidden in an [IPython kernel startup script](, but "explicit is better than implicit." :)
## Connecting to a Spark Cluster on Standalone Mode
Connection to Spark Cluster on Standalone Mode requires the following set of steps:
0. Verify that the docker image (check the Dockerfile) and the Spark Cluster which is being deployed, run the same version of Spark.
1. [Deploy Spark on Standalone Mode](
2. Run the Docker container with `--net=host` in a location that is network addressable by all of your Spark workers. (This is a [Spark networking requirement](
* NOTE: When using `--net=host`, you must also use the flags `--pid=host -e TINI_SUBREAPER=true`. See for details.
3. The language specific instructions are almost same as mentioned above for Mesos, only the master url would now be something like spark://
You can sidestep the `` script entirely by specifying a command other than ``. If you do, the `NB_UID` and `GRANT_SUDO` features documented below will not work. See the Docker Options section for details.
## Conda Environments
The default Python 3.x [Conda environment]( resides in `/opt/conda`. A second Python 2.x Conda environment exists in `/opt/conda/envs/python2`. You can [switch to the python2 environment]( in a shell by entering the following:
source activate python2
You can return to the default environment with this command:
source deactivate
The commands `jupyter`, `ipython`, `python`, `pip`, `easy_install`, and `conda` (among others) are available in both environments. For convenience, you can install packages into either environment regardless of what environment is currently active using commands like the following:
# install a package into the python2 environment
pip2 install some-package
conda install -n python2 some-package
# install a package into the default (python 3.x) environment
pip3 install some-package
conda install -n python3 some-package
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