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Created June 16, 2019 12:44
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RMIT ITS Hack-a-Thon 2019 RMIT - ITS Saturday, 27 July 2019 at 10:00 am - Sunday, 28 July 2019 at 1:00 pm (AEST) Docklands, VIC
RMIT Hackathon Entry Terms & Conditions
Registration Open: Monday 30 May 2019, 9am
Registration Close: Saturday 27 July 2019, 11am
Event Opens: Saturday 27 July 2019, 12pm
Duration: Saturday 27 July 2019, 12pm to Sunday 28 July 2019, 1pm
Submission of Entries by: Sunday 28 July 2019, 11am
Team Presentations: Sunday 28 July 2019, 11am
Judging & Prize giving: Sunday 28 July 2019, 12pm
Entrant Eligibility - Entry is open to individuals who are current students at RMIT, with a valid student ID and RMIT student login.
- All individuals must be 18 years old or over
- Individuals must register online between Registration Open & Close dates and times
Hack-a-Thon name: Connected Communities
1) Competition basics
Individuals may form Teams comprising up to 4 people. Teams are to be formed by agreement between individual entrants outside the individual registration process. Individual registrations will be merged to create a team on the day of registration.
Teams must:
- Have a team name, submitted to the organisers by 11 am on the registration close date.
- Electronically submit their Entry by the Submission of Entries closing date and time.
- The method of submission of an Entry will be outlined on the first day of the Competition and will include a PowerPoint presentation and 2min pitch.
- Teams will prepare and deliver a 3-minute maximum presentation of their Entry to be judged by the competition judges. The presentation must include a PowerPoint presentation as this will be the final Entry.
AU $2,000.00
(Total Prize Pool value: AU $7,000.00)
Judging criteria
Entries will be judged according to the following criteria:
- 30% Functionality / User Experience
- 20% Innovation
- 10% Accessibility & inclusivity
- 20% Relevance to the Hackathon theme
- 20% Potential for commercialisation/ real world execution.
Readify Head Office, 727 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
You will bring:
Your own: Laptop or computers; chargers & power cables.
Your own snacks / drinks (nothing that requires cooking / heating up. No alcohol.)
We will provide Meals, snacks, cold drinks, Tea & coffee, hot water will be provided during the Hackathon. Please see FAQs on the Hackathon website for further details.
Please indicate any dietary preferences or restrictions on registration. Please provide this information as early as possible so we can guarantee that we can cater for your request.
Each Team will have access to:
1 x whiteboard, plus pens, 1 x power plug, 1 x table, 6 x chairs
12) Ownership of Intellectual Property
By registering to enter the Competition, you agree as follows:
(a) Your Team owns all the rights, title & interests in and to the Intellectual Property you create through the Competition, as joint owners, together in equal shares.
(b) If your team’s Entry is awarded either first or second prize, all rights, title & interest in and to the Intellectual Property you create as a result, as embodied in the Entry is assigned to RMIT (or its nominee) on announcement of the prizes. You must not commercialise (eg licence or further developer sell) the Intellectual Property, and if it contains confidential information, you must not disclose it to any third parties, even after the end of the Competition.
(c) For all other Entries which are not awarded either first or second prize, you agree to give RMIT (or its nominee) the right to purchase the Intellectual Property in the entry for a period of up to 1 month after the Judging and Prizegiving, in consideration for the payment of AU$500. RMIT may give you written notice that it wishes to purchase the Intellectual Property, & you agree to assign it in exchange for the payment, & will sign the necessary documents in order to effect this.
If RMIT (or its nominee) does not give you written notice within 1 month after the Judging and Prize giving, then you may offer the Intellectual Property in the Entry to third parties, or develop it yourself, provided you remove all confidential or proprietary information contained in the Entry (and any ability to reverse engineer confidential or proprietary information).
Because you are joint owners, if you choose to further work with your IP, no one of you individually can deal with it without the agreement of the whole team. This includes licensing the Intellectual Property or selling it. Your Team can decide if, between yourselves, you want to own specific parts of Intellectual Property separately or in different proportions, or if you want to be able to deal with it individually – but this is something you have to work out, agree & document yourselves, separately. You can do this before or after the Competition.
1 This Competition
1.1 This hackathon (Competition) is run by RMIT (ABN 49 781 030 034) (the Promoter / we / us / our) on these T&Cs, including the Details above (Terms). By registering for the Competition, all entrants (you / your) agree to these Terms. The Competition starts on Registration Open & ends when the Results are announced.
1.2 Each Team is responsible for its own membership, cooperation, & settling any disputes. Neither RMIT (or our representatives, contractors, employees, directors, officers licensors, service providers, agents, Venue operators), the Sponsors, nor anyone else connected with the Competition (our Affiliates) is responsible for any Team disputes, including about contribution, cooperation, distribution of Prizes or Intellectual Property.
1.3 If you don’t comply with these Terms, you may be disqualified. If one Team member is disqualified, we may also disqualify the whole team.
2 Intellectual Property
2.1 Intellectual Property (or IP) includes all unregistered rights in respect of copyright, designs, circuit layouts, trade marks, trade secrets, know-how, moral rights, confidential information, patents, inventions, discoveries & domain names.
2.2 You promise that your Entry it is based on the original ideas of you & your Team, & that none of you have copied anything from any third party. Your Entry must not be based on, or substantially reproduce:
(a) any other entry or idea which you or anyone in your Team has previously submitted in another competition, promotion, tender process, request for funding, application, assignment, exam or other assessment process for any educational institution.
(b) anything which you have, or anyone in your Team has, developed in the course of your (or their) employment.
Your Entry can, however, be based on & incorporate your other original ideas & use things you have created yourself earlier – nothing changes your ownership of these ideas & works.
2.3 Your Entry must not infringe any third party IP rights, or contain confidential information which you do not have the right to include. Your Entry must not contain any third party software; however it can utilise open source software, open hardware & creative commons licenced works, & it may use off the shelf development tool kits within the terms of the applicable licences (eg Powerpoint).
2.4 In addition to any transfer of IP elsewhere in these Terms, you grant us a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, royalty-free licence to communicate, publish, display & perform any part of your Entry (including IP), as well as your name, photos of you, & details of your expertise, in all media, for the purposes of promoting or marketing us, or as part of our own internal purposes in recording, reviewing & improving our services & endeavours.
2.5 If your Team wins a Prize, you will participate in any media interviews or press events, as reasonably requested by us. We may require you to provide a written statement or quotes about the Competition, which we may edit & publish. You must not, however, use any of RMIT’s logos or trade marks on any documents, press or materials, without our prior written consent.
2.6 Under RMIT’s Intellectual Property Policy, if you are a staff member (which includes PhD candidates & researchers) any IP which you create in the course of your employment, or which utilises RMIT’s Intellectual Property or resources (such as equipment or facilities), will be owned by RMIT. This is based on your contract with RMIT. It’s a standard position in employment contracts that IP created by employees in the course of their employment will be owned by their employer. If there are exceptions to this, which means that your research is not owned by RMIT they will usually be set out in a separate contract with you.
2.7 If you are an RMIT staff member who is participating in this Competition, you might inadvertently use IP which belongs to RMIT as part of your Entry, or you might use RMIT resources in creating the Entry. Using RMIT’s IP or resources potentially means that the IP in the Entry may be owned by RMIT, jointly with you and your team members.
2.8 If you’re not sure about whether you are a staff member, or whether your participation in this Competition will potentially involve you using RMIT’s IP, then talk to your RMIT manager or supervisor. You should be clear about when you are & aren’t using our IP or resources, so that there are no issues about ownership of the IP in your Team’s Entry.
2.9 We encourage you to hashtag, geotag, or check-in, but if you otherwise want to use our IP (such as content from our websites or RMIT branding), you need to get our written permission first, which we may not be able to give. We may also apply a licence fee, royalty, & other conditions, to your use of our IP.
3 Safety
3.1 The Competition may involve intense participation. You must behave in a professional, respectful, non-disruptive & appropriate manner, including taking all reasonable care & responsibility for your own health & safety & that of others at all times while participating in the Competition, including when travelling to & from the Competition. We may require you to sign in & sign out of the Venue, so we know who is in the building (eg in case we have to evacuate).
3.2 You must not bring alcohol into the Venue. We can refuse you Entry to the Venue if we reasonably think you have been consuming alcohol. You must comply with all other Venue safety requirements. You must not smoke within the Venue, or within any relevant exclusion spaces.
3.3 As the Competition is scheduled over an extended period, you acknowledge you are responsible for ensuring you get sufficient rest & nutrition during the Competition. However, if you have concerns about your health, safety or welfare at any time during the Competition, you may withdraw. You must notify us if you decide to withdraw from the Competition.
3.4 You must comply with all relevant laws & any safety or operational policies or reasonable directions that we, the Sponsors or the Venue provide to you, including where access to any facilities or use of any equipment is made available to you in connection with the Competition.
4 Acceptable behaviour
4.1 All our policies as well as those otherwise published on our websites, apply to your conduct during the Competition. Depending on its nature, if you engage in behaviour which is not acceptable, we may give you a warning, or disqualify you or your Team. If the behaviour is captured by another university policy, you may also be dealt with under that policy.
4.2 We don’t tolerate behaviour which is: hurtful, offensive, discriminatory, obscene, derogatory, sexually explicit or pornographic, defamatory, bullying, trolling, illegal or violent. This includes harassment of any kind, displaying sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, photographing or audio/video recording without reasonable consent, sustained disruption of talks or other activities, inappropriate physical contact, & unwelcome sexual attention. You must be respectful of other participants & Teams.
4.3 We don’t monitor all activities in the Competition continuously: if you see behaviour which is not acceptable or which doesn’t comply with these Terms, please tell us immediately.
4.4 You must not use the Competition to publish or send malicious content (eg phishing, viruses) or spam (unsolicited commercial electronic communications). You may not use any tools related to the Competition (eg sites or group chat) for any unlawful purposes, fraud, or to conduct or promote illegal activities. Your Entry must not contain inappropriate, offensive or malicious material or code.
4.5 When you’re attending the Competition, you must follow our reasonable directions – including about safety matters. You must not do anything which would cause us (or other attendees) to breach an applicable law. You must not cause any damage to property, systems or injury to other people. You must take reasonable care in interacting with other attendees, & the assets & resources at the Venue.
5 Confidentiality
5.1 As part of the Competition, we may provide you with information which is commercially sensitive & confidential to us or a Sponsor (eg if the Entry presentation contains information about a real life issue or scenario). You must not disclose any information of this kind, or which is designated to be “confidential”, to persons who are not also participating in the Competition.
5.2 You must only use that confidential information to develop your Entry as part of the Competition. Outside the Competition, you agree to keep that information confidential & not use or disclose it without our prior written consent. Your obligation of confidentiality continues in perpetuity: it survives your disqualification from the Competition, & the Competition duration.
6 Liability & warranties
To the extent permitted by law, the Competition & our support & associated services are provided on an “as is” basis, without any warranties, express or implied. Neither we nor our Affiliates make any representation about the completeness, security, reliability, quality, or availability of the Competition. To the extent permitted by law, neither us nor our Affiliates will be liable for damages of any kind (including under contract, tort or negligence), arising out of or in connection with the Competition, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages (including personal injury, emotional distress, loss of revenue or profits loss of use or goodwill, loss of data), even if such loss was foreseeable (loss). You participate in the Competition & engage with us, our Affiliates, & other participants & attendees, at your own risk.
7 Privacy
We will deal with all personally identifying information you provide us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In addition to collecting, storing & using your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, when you register to participate in the Competition we will also subscribe you to receive our communications relating to this event and potential future Hackathon events. You can opt out of these by emailing us & asking to be removed or unsubscribed.
8 Consents
When you attend the Competition you may be photographed or recorded. By attending, you consent to us taking those photos or recordings. If you don’t want us to take any photos or recordings, you need to let our photographers know, & we will do our best not to include you in the photos or recordings. However, we can’t guarantee that we will be able to crop you out of everything, & you may still appear incidentally or in the background of recordings or photos we take. We may use the photos & recordings for our own purposes, including marketing purposes & including on our sites. As part of this, we may edit them however we want. We may also provide the photos & recordings to our related industry or Competition partners & Affiliates for their use as well. Notwithstanding our privacy policy, we will own all rights in the photos & recordings we take at our activities, & you waive any rights you may have in them, & you consent to the use & publication & disclosure of the photos & recordings we take. By attending the activity, you agree to this, as it is a condition of entry or participation.
9 Judging
9.1 The winning Entry/Entries, as determined by the judges using the criteria in the Details, will each win the Prize(s) specified in the Details above. The judges may select additional reserve Entries which they determine to be the next best, in case of an invalid Entry or ineligible entrant.
9.2 The winners will be determined by skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners. The judges' decision is final & binding & no correspondence will be entered into. We may refuse to allow a winner to take part in any part of a Prize, if we determine in our discretion, that a winner is not in the physical or mental condition necessary to be able to safely participate in or accept the Prize. It is a condition of accepting the Prize that a winner may be required to sign a legal release as determined by us in our discretion, prior to receiving the Prize.
9.3 If any winner does not take or claim a Prize by the time specified by us they forfeit the Prize & we are not obliged to substitute the Prize. If any part of a Prize is unavailable we reserve the right to make a substitution of equal or greater value. If there is a dispute about the conduct of the Competition (including the identity of a winner) the decision of RMIT is final & binding on each entrant & no correspondence will be entered into.
9.4 If a Prize is provided by a third party (eg an event, travel), it is subject to the terms & conditions of the third party, which prevail over these Terms to the extent of any inconsistency. We accept no responsibility or liability for any delay or failure by the third party to deliver the Prize.
10 General
10.1 We reserve the right to add, withdraw, reschedule, vary or substitute prices, Prizes, Venues, offerings, speakers & audience capacity at activities. Your admission to the Venue is also subject to any T&Cs which the Venue applies, including about things like smoking or access to certain areas of a premises. We (or the Venue) reserve the right to undertake a reasonable search of participants & attendees & their possessions at the time of Entry to the Venue. This is a safety requirement. We (or the Venue) reserves the right to refuse Entry to any person for any reason.
10.2 We may cancel, stop, postpone or suspend the Competition at any time if an unforeseen incident occurs, which affects, or has the potential to affect, the safety, integrity or fairness of the Competition, or if the Competition is otherwise not able to be run as planned (including computer virus, communications network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, or other technical failure or withdrawal by a Sponsor). If the Competition is cancelled, suspended or stopped part way through, we may, but are not obliged to, require the judges to select a winning Entry from those submitted at or before the Competition is to be stopped. We reserve the right to change these Terms, or otherwise modify the Competition, at any time without prior notice in our sole discretion.
10.3 These Terms are governed by the laws of Victoria. If any of these Terms are or become invalid, at our option, the relevant part is severed, & doesn’t affect the validity of the remaining parts. Neither of us, nor you, is (or can you represent yourself to be) an employee, partner, agent or other representative of the other. A waiver must be in writing & signed. We don’t waive a right if we fail to or delay exercising it. References to time are to the time in Melbourne. References to the singular include the plural & vice versa.
10.4 We accept no responsibility for any tax implications & you must seek your own independent financial advice about the tax implications relating to the Prize or acceptance of the Prize.
10.5 We reserve the right to validate & check the authenticity of Entries & your details (including an identity & age). If you cannot provide suitable proof to validate your Entry, you or your Team will forfeit the Prize in whole.
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