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Last active August 3, 2021 05:07
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Functional Reactive Programming for Angular Developers - RxJs and Observables
const obs = interval(1000).pipe(take(5));
const obs = interval(1000)
tap(i => console.log(i) )
const obs = interval(1000)
tap(i => console.log("obs value "+ i) )
obs.subscribe(value => console.log("observer 1 received " + value));
obs.subscribe(value => console.log("observer 2 received " + value));
const obs = interval(500)
map(i => 2 * i )
<form [ngForm]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<label>First Name:</label>
<input type="text" ngControl="firstName">
map((value) => {
value.firstName = value.firstName.toUpperCase();
return value;
filter((value) => this.form.valid)
.subscribe(validValue => ...);
const obs = interval(500).pipe(take(5));
var reduced = obs.pipe(
reduce((state, value) => state + value , 0)
reduced.subscribe(total => console.log("total =" + total));
const obs = interval(500).pipe(take(5));
var scanObs = obs.pipe(
scan((state, value) => state + value , 0)
scanObs.subscribe(total => console.log(total));
const obs = interval(500)
tap(i => console.log("obs value "+ i)),
obs.subscribe(value => console.log("observer 1 received " + value));
obs.subscribe(value => console.log("observer 2 received " + value));
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