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Last active July 8, 2019 16:34
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Fourier transform with correct normalisation
function [frq,dfc] = fourier( vals, fs, npts )
% Computes the Fast Fourier Transform of a given time-series.
% For real inputs, the positive spectrum is returned with correctly scaled amplitude/power.
% For complex inputs, the full spectrum centered around frequency 0 is returned.
% [freq,amp,phi] = fourier( vals, fs [,npts] )
% Inputs:
% vals - NxM matrix of real- or complex-valued observations (1 observation = 1 row) at regular timepoints.
% fs - Sampling frequency (positive scalar).
% npts - (optional) number of points used for the transform, default is the number of timepoints.
% Outputs:
% frq - column vector of frequencies in Hz
% dfc - corresponding discrete Fourier coefficients (complex)
% Note:
% The energy corresponds to the squared magnitude of the coefficients.
% The power spectral density corresponds to the energy divided by df (= frq(2)-frq(1)).
% The phase corresponds to the argument of the coefficients.
% References:
assert( ismatrix(vals), 'Input values should be a matrix.' );
% assume a unitary frequency if it is omitted
if nargin < 2, fs = 1; end
% if fixed-size transform is not required, take the number of time-points by default
if nargin < 3, npts = size(vals,1); end
assert( isscalar(fs) && fs > eps, 'Sampling frequency should be a positive scalar.' );
assert( isscalar(npts), 'Transform size should be scalar.' );
assert( npts >= size(vals,1), 'Transform size should be greater than the number of timepoints.' );
% sampling information
df = fs/npts;
nf = floor( npts/2 + 1 ); % number of frequencies >= 0
% Discrete Fourier Coefficients (complex)
dfc = fft(vals,npts) / npts;
% real input: return one-sided spectra
if isreal(vals)
% correct magnitudes to account for discarding negative frequencies
dfc = sqrt(2)*dfc( 1:nf, : );
frq = (0:nf-1)*df;
% .. except for the DC component
dfc(1,:) = dfc(1,:)/sqrt(2);
% .. and for the Nyquist frequency (only if nt is even)
if mod(npts,2) == 0
dfc(end,:) = dfc(end,:)/sqrt(2);
% complex input: return full spectra with neg and pos frequencies centered around 0
% shift the spectrum to center frequencies around 0
dfc = myfftshift( dfc );
frq = ( floor(1-npts/2):(npts/2) )*df;
% make sure frq is a column vector
frq = frq(:);
function x = myfftshift(x)
% x = fftshift(x)
% Matlab's fftshift puts the Nyquist frequency as the lowest negative frequency.
% For consistency with the real-valued case, we implement our own shift, in which
% the Nyquist frequency is kept as the last positive frequency.
n = size(x,1);
n = floor( (n-1)/2 );
x = circshift( x, n, 1 );
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