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Forked from mauroa/mqttclient
Last active November 4, 2017 00:13
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System.Net.Mqtt client sample
//Note that you can set more properties and also not set the port,
//in which case the MQTT default will be used
var configuration = new MqttConfiguration { Port = 55555 };
//Creation of the MQTT client
var client = await MqttClient.CreateAsync("", configuration);
//MQTT connection of the client. You can pass optional args to the
//ConnectAsync method and credentials
await client.ConnectAsync(new MqttClientCredentials("testClient"));
//MQTT subscription to a topic. This only performs the protocol subscription,
//which means that at this point it can start receiving messages from the Broker to that topic
await client.SubscribeAsync("foo/bar/topic", MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOnce);
//Rx Subscription to receive all the messages for the subscribed topics
client.MessageStream.Subscribe(msg =>
//All the messages from the Broker to any subscribed topic will get here
//The MessageStream is an Rx Observable, so you can filter the messages by topic with Linq to Rx
//The message object has Topic and Payload properties. The Payload is a byte[] that you need to deserialize
//depending on the type of the message
Console.WriteLine($"Message received in topic {msg.Topic}");
//Rx subscription sample to only receive the messages
//to a specific topic (using System.Reactive.Linq)
.Where(msg => msg.Topic == "foo/bar/topic")
.Subscribe(msg => Console.WriteLine($"Message received in topic foo/bar/topic"));
//MQTT publish to a topic
//The message has a topic and the payload in byte[], which you are in charge of serializing from the original format
//The PublishAsync method has some optional args
var message = new MqttApplicationMessage("test/topic", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Test String Message"));
await client.PublishAsync(message, MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOnce);
//Method to unsubscribe a topic or many topics, which means that the message will no longer
//be received in the MessageStream anymore
await client.UnsubscribeAsync("foo/bar/topic");
//MQTT disconnection. Note that by now each client instance lifetime is from Connection to Disconnection
//You can't re use an instance or re connect once you disconnected. You will need to create another MqttClient instance
//This is currently reported as an issue and will be fixed for the next public version
await client.DisconnectAsync();
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