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Created April 5, 2016 04:01
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CS280 Python version of reconstruct_3d.m
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def reconstruct_3d(name, plot=True):
Homework 2: 3D reconstruction from two Views
This function takes as input the name of the image pairs (i.e. 'house' or
'library') and returns the 3D points as well as the camera matrices...but
some functions are missing.
(1) The code has been written so that it can be easily understood. It has
not been written for efficiency.
(2) Don't make changes to this main function since I will run my and not yours. I only want from you the missing
functions and they should be able to run without crashing with my
(3) Keep the names of the missing functions as they are defined here,
otherwise things will crash
## Load images, K matrices and matches
data_dir = os.path.join('..', 'data', name)
# images
I1 = scipy.misc.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, "{}1.jpg".format(name)))
I2 = scipy.misc.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, "{}2.jpg".format(name)))
# K matrices
K1 = np.array(, "{}1_K.mat".format(name)))["K"], order='C')
K2 = np.array(, "{}2_K.mat".format(name)))["K"], order='C')
# corresponding points
# this is a N x 4 where:
# matches[i,0:2] is a point in the first image
# matches[i,2:4] is the corresponding point in the second image
matches = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "{}_matches.txt".format(name)))
# visualize matches (disable or enable this whenever you want)
if plot:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(np.concatenate([I1, I2], axis=1))
ax.plot(matches[:, 0], matches[:, 1], 'r+')
ax.plot(matches[:, 2] + I1.shape[1], matches[:, 3], 'r+')
ax.plot(np.array([matches[:, 0], matches[:, 2] + I1.shape[1]]), matches[:, [1, 3]].T, 'r')
# compute the fundamental matrix
(F, res_err) = fundamental_matrix()
print('Residual in F = {}'.format(res_err))
# compute the essential matrix
E =, F), K1)
# compute the rotation and translation matrices
(R, t) = find_rotation_translation()
# Find R2 and t2 from R, t such that largest number of points lie in front
# of the image planes of the two cameras
P1 =, np.concatenate([np.eye(3), np.zeros((3, 1))], axis=1))
# the number of points in front of the image planes for all combinations
num_points = np.zeros((len(t), len(R)))
# the reconstruction error for all combinations
errs = np.empty((len(t), len(R)))
for ti, t2 in enumerate(t):
t2 = t[ti]
for ri, R2 in enumerate(R):
R2 = R[ri]
P2 =, np.concatenate([R2, t2[:, None]], axis=1))
points_3d, errs[ti, ri] = find_3d_points()
Z1 = points_3d[:, 2]
Z2 = ([2], points_3d.T) + t2[2]).T
num_points[ti, ri] = np.sum((Z1 > 0) & (Z2 > 0))
j = 0 # pick one out the best combinations
(ti, ri) = np.nonzero(num_points == np.max(num_points))
print('Reconstruction error = {}'.format(errs[ti[j], ri[j]]))
t2 = t[ti[j]]
R2 = R[ri[j]]
P2 =, np.concatenate([R2, t2[:, None]], axis=1))
# compute the 3D points with the final P2
points = find_3d_points()
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