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Created August 19, 2009 14:07
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require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
require 'pp'
host = ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST'] || 'localhost'
port = ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_PORT'] || XGen::Mongo::Driver::Mongo::DEFAULT_PORT
puts "Connecting to #{host}:#{port}"
db =, port).db('blog_test')
articles = db.collection('articles')
article = { :title => "Mongo with Ruby is Fun!!", :content => "hello mongo programmers",
:url => "/articles/mongo_ruby", :comments => [
{ "author" => "bob", "comments" => "hi comments", "status" => true }] }
articles << article
# next line shows our inserted Hash contains the new _id
puts "Article #{article[:_id]} inserted"
puts "Count of #{db}:#{articles} => #{articles.count}"
puts "Articles:"
articles.find().each { |doc| pp doc }
puts "use $push to add to comments"
articles.update({"_id" => article[:_id]}, {"$push" => {"comments" => { "author" => "joe", "comments" => "hello", "status" => true } }})
puts "Articles:"
articles.find().each { |doc| pp doc }
puts "use $pushAll to add to comments"
articles.update({"_id" => article[:_id]},
{"$pushAll" => {"comments" => [{ "author" => "jim", "comments" => "goodbye", "status" => false },
{ "author" => "george", "comments" => "ni hao", "status" => false }]}})
puts "Articles:"
articles.find().each { |doc| pp doc }
puts "use $pull to remove from comments"
articles.update({"_id" => article[:_id]},
{"$pull" => {"comments" => { "author" => "jim", "comments" => "goodbye", "status" => false }}})
puts "Articles:"
articles.find().each { |doc| pp doc }
puts "use $pullAll to remove from comments"
articles.update({"_id" => article[:_id]},
{"$pullAll" => {"comments" => [{ "author" => "bob", "comments" => "hi comments", "status" => true },
{ "author" => "george", "comments" => "ni hao", "status" => false }]}})
puts "Articles:"
articles.find().each { |doc| pp doc }
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