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Last active December 15, 2021 16:45
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Terraform Azure Service Principal - Part 1
# Test code for the question:
# Provides configuration details for the Azure Terraform provider
provider "azurerm" {
# !!! Must include features even if empty
features {}
variable "appName" { default = "testAppName" }
variable "subscriptionId" { default = "" }
resource "azuread_application" "appReg" {
name = var.appName
resource "azuread_service_principal" "example-sp" {
application_id = azuread_application.appReg.application_id
resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "example-sp_pwd" {
service_principal_id =
value = "long-random-string"
end_date = "2021-06-02T01:02:03Z"
data "azurerm_subscription" "thisSubscription" {
subscription_id = var.subscriptionId
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "example-sp_role_assignment" {
scope =
role_definition_name = "Contributor"
principal_id =
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "example-role" {
application_object_id =
allowed_member_types = ["User", "Application"]
description = "Admins can manage roles and perform all task actions"
display_name = "Admin"
is_enabled = true
value = "administer"
output "application_id" {
value = azuread_application.appReg.application_id
output "appId" {
value = azuread_service_principal.example-sp.application_id
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