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Created November 20, 2014 17:41
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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2014 Leo Moll
# Authors: Leo Moll and Contributors (see CREDITS)
# Thanks to Mark Johnson for which gave me the
# last nudge needed to learn python and write my first linux gui
# application. Thank you!
# This file is part of btsync-gui. btsync-gui is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>
import json
import logging
import requests
class BtSyncApi(object):
The BtSyncApi class is a light wrapper around the Bittorrent Sync API.
Currently to use the API you will need to apply for a key. You can find out
how to do that, and learn more about the btsync API here:
The docstrings of this class' methods were copied from the above site.
def __init__(self,host='localhost',port='8888',username=None,password=None):
host : str
IP address that the btsync api responds at.
port : str
Port that the btsync api responds at.
username : str
optional username to use if btsync api is protected.
password : str
optional password to use if btsync api is protected.
The host, port, username, and password must match the config.json file.
self.response = None
def set_connection_params(self, host='localhost', port='8888', username=None, password=None):
if username is None or password is None:
self.auth = None
self.auth = (username,password)
self.urlroot = 'http://{0}:{1}/api'.format(host,port)
def get_folders(self,secret=None,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns an array with folders info. If a secret is specified, will
return info about the folder with this secret.
"dir": "\\\\?\\D:\\share",
"size": 23762511569,
"type": "read_write",
"files": 3206,
"error": 0,
"indexing": 0
secret (optional) - if a secret is specified, will return info about
the folder with this secret
params = {'method': 'get_folders'}
if secret is not None:
params['secret'] = secret
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def add_folder(self,folder,secret=None,selective_sync=False,throw_exceptions=True,force=False):
Adds a folder to Sync. If a secret is not specified, it will be
generated automatically. The folder will have to pre-exist on the disk
and Sync will add it into a list of syncing folders.
Returns '0' if no errors, error code and error message otherwise.
{ "error": 0 }
dir (required) - specify path to the sync folder
secret (optional) - specify folder secret
selective_sync (optional) - specify sync mode, selective - 1,
all files (default) - 0
force - force creation also if dir is not empty
params = {'method': 'add_folder', 'dir': folder }
if secret is not None:
params['secret'] = secret
if selective_sync:
params['selective_sync'] = 1
if force:
params['force'] = 1
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def remove_folder(self,secret,throw_exceptions=True):
Removes folder from Sync while leaving actual folder and files on
disk. It will remove a folder from the Sync list of folders and
does not touch any files or folders on disk. Returns '0' if no error,
'1' if there’s no folder with specified secret.
{ "error": 0 }
secret (required) - specify folder secret
params = { 'method': 'remove_folder', 'secret' : secret }
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_files(self,secret,path=None,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns list of files within the specified directory. If a directory is
not specified, will return list of files and folders within the root
folder. Note that the Selective Sync function is only available in the
API at this time.
"name": "images",
"state": "created",
"type": "folder"
"have_pieces": 1,
"name": "index.html",
"size": 2726,
"state": "created",
"total_pieces": 1,
"type": "file",
"download": 1 // only for selective sync folders
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
path (optional) - specify path to a subfolder of the sync folder.
params = { 'method': 'get_files', 'secret' : secret }
if path is not None:
params['path'] = path
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def set_file_prefs(self,secret,path,download,throw_exceptions=True):
Selects file for download for selective sync folders. Returns file
information with applied preferences.
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
path (required) - specify path to a subfolder of the sync folder.
download (required) - specify if file should be downloaded (yes - 1, no - 0)
params = {
'method': 'set_file_prefs',
'secret': secret,
'path': path,
'download': download
if path is not None:
params['path'] = path
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_folder_peers(self,secret,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns list of peers connected to the specified folder.
"id": "ARRdk5XANMb7RmQqEDfEZE-k5aI=",
"connection": "direct", // direct or relay
"name": "GT-I9500",
"synced": 0, // timestamp when last sync completed
"download": 0,
"upload": 22455367417
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
params = { 'method': 'get_folder_peers', 'secret' : secret }
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_secrets(self,secret=None,encryption=False,throw_exceptions=True):
Generates read-write, read-only and encryption read-only secrets.
If ‘secret’ parameter is specified, will return secrets available for
sharing under this secret.
The Encryption Secret is new functionality. This is a secret for a
read-only peer with encrypted content (the peer can sync files but can
not see their content). One example use is if a user wanted to backup
files to an untrusted, unsecure, or public location. This is set to
disabled by default for all users but included in the API.
"read_write": "DPFABC4IZX33WBDRXRPPCVYA353WSC3Q6",
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
type (optional) - if type=encrypted, generate secret with support of encrypted peer
params = { 'method': 'get_secrets' }
if secret is not None:
params['secret'] = secret
if encryption:
params['type'] = 'encryption'
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_folder_prefs(self,secret,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns preferences for the specified sync folder.
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
params = { 'method': 'get_folder_prefs', 'secret' : secret }
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def set_folder_prefs(self,secret,prefs_dictionary,throw_exceptions=True):
Sets preferences for the specified sync folder. Parameters are the same
as in ‘Get folder preferences’. Returns current settings.
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
params - { use_dht, use_hosts, search_lan, use_relay_server, use_tracker, use_sync_trash }
params = { 'method': 'set_folder_prefs', 'secret' : secret }
params.update (prefs_dictionary)
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_folder_hosts(self,secret,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns list of predefined hosts for the folder, or error code if a
secret is not specified.
"hosts" : ["",
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
params = { 'method': 'get_folder_hosts', 'secret' : secret }
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def set_folder_hosts(self,secret,hosts_list = [],throw_exceptions=True):
Sets one or several predefined hosts for the specified sync folder.
Existing list of hosts will be replaced. Hosts should be added as values
of the ‘host’ parameter and separated by commas.
Returns current hosts if set successfully, error code otherwise.
secret (required) - must specify folder secret
hosts (required) - enter list of hosts separated by comma.
Host should be represented as “[address]:[port]”
params = {
'method': 'set_folder_hosts',
'secret': secret,
'hosts': hosts_list
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_prefs(self,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns BitTorrent Sync preferences. Contains dictionary with
advanced preferences. Please see Sync user guide for description
of each option.
"device_name" : "iMac",
"disk_low_priority": "true",
"download_limit": 0,
"folder_rescan_interval": "600",
"lan_encrypt_data": "true",
"lan_use_tcp": "false",
"lang": -1,
"listening_port": 11589,
"max_file_size_diff_for_patching": "1000",
"max_file_size_for_versioning": "1000",
"rate_limit_local_peers": "false",
"send_buf_size": "5",
"sync_max_time_diff": "600",
"sync_trash_ttl": "30",
"upload_limit": 0,
"use_upnp": 0,
"recv_buf_size": "5"
params = {'method': 'get_prefs'}
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def set_prefs(self,prefs_dictionary,throw_exceptions=True):
Sets BitTorrent Sync preferences. Parameters are the same as in
'Get preferences'. Advanced preferences are set as general
settings. Returns current settings.
params = {'method': 'set_prefs'}
params.update (prefs_dictionary)
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_os(self,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns OS name where BitTorrent Sync is running.
{ "os": "win32" }
params = {'method': 'get_os'}
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_version(self,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns BitTorrent Sync version.
{ "version": "1.2.48" }
params = {'method': 'get_version'}
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_speed(self,throw_exceptions=True):
Returns current upload and download speed.
"download": 61007,
"upload": 0
params = {'method': 'get_speed'}
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def shutdown(self,throw_exceptions=True):
Gracefully stops Sync.
{ "error" : 0 }
params = {'method': 'shutdown'}
return self._request(params,throw_exceptions)
def get_status_code(self):
Returns the HTTP status code of the last operation
return self.response.status_code
def fix_decode(text):
Quick and dirty function that fixes the strange way special encoded
strings are returned
return text.encode('latin-1').decode('utf-8')
def get_safe_result(result,key,default=None):
Returns the value from a result key if existing, otherwise the supplied default
if result is None:
return default
elif result.has_key(key):
return result[key]
return default
def get_error_code(result):
Returns a numerical error code for the given result
if result is None:
return 999
elif result.has_key('error'):
return result['error']
elif result.has_key('result'):
return result['result']
return 0
def get_error_message(result):
Returns an error message for the given result
if result is None:
return 'Invalid result (connection error)'
elif result.has_key('error') and result['error'] > 0:
if result.has_key('message'):
return result['message']
return BtSyncApi.get_error_text(result['error'])
elif result.has_key('result') and result['result'] > 0:
if result.has_key('message'):
return result['message']
return BtSyncApi.get_error_text(result['result'])
return 'No error'
def get_error_text(code):
return {
100 : 'Can\'t open the destination folder.',
101 : 'Don\'t have permission to write to the selected folder.'
}.get(code, 'Error {0}'.format(code))
def _request(self,params,throw_exceptions):
Internal function that handles the communication with btsync
if throw_exceptions:
self.response = requests.get(self.urlroot, params=params, auth=self.auth)
return json.loads (self._get_response_text())
self.response = requests.get(self.urlroot, params=params, auth=self.auth)
return json.loads (self._get_response_text())
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
logging.warning("Couldn't connect to Bittorrent Sync")
return None
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
logging.warning('Communication Error ' + str(self.response.status_code))
return None
def _get_response_text(self):
Version-safe way to get the response text from a requests module response object
Older versions use response.content instead of response.text
return self.response.text if hasattr(self.response, "text") else self.response.content
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