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Created October 6, 2011 20:43
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Very quick Battlelog soldier statistics scraper
# This script scrapes your soldier statistics from Battlelog
# NOTE: This is just a very quick demonstration, it doesn't really do much as-is, besides
# authenticate to Battlelog and get you a dict of your soldier's statistics.
# There is no error handling, no anything. It will only work if everything goes well.
# Input your Origin username and password into the params dict below and it should work.
# In the very bottom, the stats dict will contain the data from the Battlelog JSON response.
# httplib, urllib, sys and json are probably built in to your Python distro
# You may need to install BeautifulSoup manually (eg. easy_install beautifulsoup)
import httplib, urllib, sys, json
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
battlelog_host = ''
battlelog_baseurl = ''
params = urllib.urlencode({
'password': 'ORIGIN PASSWORD',
'submit': 'Sign in',
'redirect': ''
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept': 'text/html'
cs = httplib.HTTPSConnection(battlelog_host)
cs.request('POST', '/bf3/gate/login/', params, headers)
r = cs.getresponse()
print r.status, r.reason
print r.getheaders()
print r.getheader('Location')
redirect_url = r.getheader('Location')
if redirect_url != '':
sys.exit('Login failure')
sess_cookie = r.getheader('set-cookie').split(';')[0]
sess_headers = {
'Cookie': sess_cookie
home_path = redirect_url.replace(battlelog_baseurl, '')
c = httplib.HTTPConnection(battlelog_host)
c.request('GET', home_path, {}, sess_headers)
r = c.getresponse()
print r.status, r.reason
print r.getheaders()
soup = BeautifulSoup(
stats_path = soup.find('div', id='base-user-statistics').a['href']
soldier_id = stats_path.split('/')[-2]
print 'Loading stats', stats_path, 'for soldier ID', soldier_id
c.request('GET', '/bf3/overviewPopulateStats/%s/bf3-us-assault/1/' % soldier_id, {}, sess_headers)
r = c.getresponse()
print r.status, r.reason
print r.getheaders()
result = json.loads(
stats = result['data']
# access your stats like this:
print stats['overviewStats']['kills']
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