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Last active February 4, 2016 17:32
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* @todo: clean up key binding code; make configurable
* @todo: clean up/make more efficient the overlay list positioning code, and test
* across more browsers
* @todo: optimize transcludeFn to see if we can eliminate creating a new scope for every
* single iteration of the lists; cache list builds (maybe use documentFragments?)
* @todo: DESTRUCT everything (all event bindings, scopes, DOM nodes)
directive('selectorate', ['$window', function( $window ){
var KEY_ARROW_DOWN = 40,
KEY_TAB = 9,
function _link( $scope, $elem, attrs, Controller, transcludeFn ){
var $optsList = angular.element($elem[0].querySelector('.selectorate-opts')),
$textInput = angular.element($elem[0].querySelector('[selectorate-input]')),
_transcluded = [];
$textInput.on('focus', function(){
var holdBlur = false;
$textInput.on('blur', function(){
if( holdBlur ){ return ;}
$optsList.on('mouseenter', function(){
holdBlur = true;
$optsList.on('mouseleave', function(){
holdBlur = false;
$textInput.on('keydown', function( e ){
var children = $optsList[0].children,
listLength = children.length,
current = $optsList[0].querySelector('.keyed'),
index =;
switch( e.keyCode ){
case 40: // down arrow
if( index + 1 !== listLength ){
angular.element(children[index + 1]).addClass('keyed');
case 38: // up arrow
if( (index - 1 < 0) !== true ){
case 27: // escape
case 9: case 32: case 13: // tab, spacebar, enter
// If user has typed and narrowed the list down to just
// one value, then hits tab, we should automatically
// select it and move to the next element
if( listLength === 1 ){
// If a selection/highlight has been made...
if( current ){
function setPosition(){
var rect = $elem[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
width = rect.width,
top =;
$optsList.css({width:width + 'px',top:( + 'px'});
* On every change to the filteredList data, we need to clean up
* all previously generated DOM nodes and scopes to prevent memory
* leaks.
* @param function Callback - "after cleanup, then func()"
* @return void
function cleanup( _then ){
var _item;
while(_item = _transcluded.pop()){
* Transclude function, takes the inner template and renders it so
* list styling is super easy.
* @param {jqLite} $cloned DOM element wrapped in jqLite
* @param {object} $scope Newly bound scope
* @return void
function _transcluder( $cloned, $scope ){
_transcluded.push([$cloned, $scope]);
* Watch changes to the filteredList, and if it has changed,
* render.
$scope.$watchCollection('selectorate.filteredList', function( list, previous ){
if( list && list !== previous && list.length ){
for(var _i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++){
var $newScope = $scope.$new();
$newScope.opt = list[_i];
transcludeFn($newScope, _transcluder);
angular.element($window).on('scroll resize', setPosition).triggerHandler('resize');
* Important: the value that gets set as _key on the controller is crucial,
* as it indicates to the ngModelController how to map back and forth
* between an object behind-the-scenes and a string for the field to
* display.
return {
restrict : 'AE',
transclude : true,
link : _link,
templateUrl : '/template/selectorate.html',
scope : {},
controllerAs : 'selectorate',
bindToController : {
_value : '=selectorate',
_listData : '=list',
_key : '@key',
// Optional: to attach to a form, pass the name
_formName : '@formName',
// Optional: if set, the filter search becomes '$'
_deepSearch : '=deepSearch',
// Optional: if unset, placeholder is 'undefined'
_placeholder : '@placeholder',
// Optional: control's listData depends on another model selection
_dependent : '=dependent',
// Optional: (requires _dependent == true); enable/disable form element
// unless _enabledWith is a valid object
_enabledWith : '=enabledWith',
// Optional: when the ngModelController is composing an empty object,
// we can make it compose a $resource if desired
_composableType : '=composableType'
controller : ['$scope', '$filter', function( $scope, $filter ){
this.disabled = false;
* Store reference to this (Controller).
* @type {object}
var self = this;
* Filtered list results.
* @type {Array}
this.filteredList = [];
* Used by doListFilter to generate the filter object we use for
* the search. Note, if _filterProp isn't defined (eg. wasn't
* passed as an attribute, or == "*"), then we set the special
* '$' prop in the object, which means look through _everything_.
* @param {object} v ngModel value, objectified
* @return {object} Returns an object {} for the search
function getFilterObj( v ){
var filter = {};
if( self._deepSearch ){
filter['$'] = v[self._key];
return filter;
filter[self._key] = v[self._key];
return filter;
* Filter the listData against the text input value
* @param {object} v Object passed in that contains a property
* {{{_key}}:'string'} we can use to filter.
* @return void
this.doListFilter = function( v ){
if( v && typeof(v) === 'object' ){
self.filteredList = $filter('filter')(self._listData, getFilterObj(v));
self.filteredList = self._listData;
* Clear the list
* @return {[type]} [description]
this.clearList = function(){
self.filteredList = [];
* Select the item from the list.
* @param {object} opt List item to choose
* @return void
this.choose = function( opt ){
self._value = opt;
* Because _listData property is a two-way data binding, we can
* set it up so that if th _listData changes, we "reset" this
* instance. Case in point being - if there are two instances and
* the second instance depends on the list data from the first
* model value.
if( this._dependent ){
// If the listData this control is dependent *on* changes,
// set this to no value and reset UI state.
$scope.$watch('selectorate._listData', function( v, prev ){
if( v !== prev ){
self._value = null;
// Don't enable the control until the model for _enabledWith
// becomes valid
$scope.$watch('selectorate._enabledWith', function( v ){
self.disabled = v ? false : true;
* Responsible for translating an object behind the scenes to just some
* text display in the input field.
directive('selectorateInput', [function(){
function _link( $scope, $elem, attrs, controllers ){
var ngModel = controllers[0],
ctrlSelectorate = controllers[1];
* Formats the output.
ngModel.$formatters.push(function( mv ){
if( mv && typeof(mv) === 'object' ){
return mv[ctrlSelectorate._key];
* Parses a receieved input into the correct object structure,
* which formatters can handle.
ngModel.$parsers.push(function( vv ){
// Is it already an object? Then just return it.
if( vv && typeof(vv) === 'object' ){
return vv;
// If here, we need to compose to an object.
var obj = {};
obj[ctrlSelectorate._key] = vv;
// If a specific type of object to compose is defined (eg. a
// $resource), we can return that here. *Note* - it must be
// 'new'-able, as in have a constructor.
if( ctrlSelectorate._composableType ){
return new ctrlSelectorate._composableType(obj);
// Otherwise just return a plainly composed object.
return obj;
* When a view change occurs, modify the list filter.
return {
restrict : 'A',
require : ['ngModel', '^selectorate'],
link : _link
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