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U.A.G.R.M. | Materia: Programacion I | Docente: Alberto Mollo | Repositorio: Practico Numeros Enteros | Lenguaje: | de Visual Basic IDE: Visual Basic - Visual Studio 2019 (Comunidad)
Public Class NEnteros
Dim n As Integer
Public Sub NEnteros()
n = 0
End Sub
Public Sub cargar(ByVal num As Integer)
n = num
End Sub
Public Function descargar()
Return n
End Function
Public Function verif_fibonacci(num As Integer) As Boolean
Dim a, b, c, m As Integer
Dim b1 As Boolean
m = num
a = -1
b = 1
c = a + b
a = b
b = c
Loop Until (c >= m)
If c = m Then
b1 = True
b1 = False
End If
Return b1
End Function
Public Function filtrar_digitos_fibo(num As Integer) As Integer
Dim a, f As Integer
f = 0
While num > 0
a = num Mod 10 : num = num \ 10
If verif_fibonacci(a) = True Then
f = f * 10 + a
End If
End While
Return f
End Function
Public Function contar_digitos(ByVal num As Integer) As Integer
Dim c, aux As Integer
c = 0 : aux = num
While aux > 0
c += 1 : aux = aux \ 10
End While
Return c
End Function
Public Function filtrar_digito_par(ByVal num As Integer)
Dim e, d, aux As Integer
Dim f As Integer
f = 0 : aux = num
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10 : aux = aux \ 10
e = d Mod 2
If e = 0 Then
f = f * 10 + d
End If
End While
Return f
End Function
Public Function filtrar_digito_inpar(ByVal num As Integer)
Dim d, e, aux As Integer
Dim f As Integer
f = 0 : aux = num
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10 : aux = aux \ 10
e = d Mod 2
If e = 0 Then
f = f * 10 + d
End If
End While
Return f
End Function
Public Function verificar_digito_par(num As Integer) As Boolean
Dim b As Boolean
If num Mod 2 = 0 Then
b = True
b = False
End If
Return b
End Function
Public Function verificar_digito_impar(num As Integer) As Boolean
Dim b As Boolean
If num Mod 2 = 1 Then
b = True
b = False
End If
Return b
End Function
Public Function invertir_digitos(ByVal num As Integer)
Dim d, aux As Integer
Dim f As Integer
f = 0 : aux = num
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10 : aux = aux \ 10
f = f * 10 + d
End While
Return f
End Function
Public Function insertar_coma_numero_digitos(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal nd As Integer) As String
Dim aux, A, S, c As Integer
Dim str As String
Dim d As Integer
str = " "
aux = num : c = 0 : S = 0
aux = invertir_digitos(aux)
If (nd > 0) And (nd <= contar_digitos(aux)) Then
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10
c = c + 1
If c <= nd Then
S = (S * 10) + d
aux = aux \ 10
str = str + CStr(S) + ","
S = 0
c = 0
End If
End While
If S > 0 Then
str = str + CStr(S)
End If
Return str
Console.WriteLine("La cantidad de Digitos tiene que mayor ND")
End If
End Function
Public Function filtrar_nd_primos(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal nd As Integer) As Integer
Dim aux, A, S, c, f As Integer
Dim d As Integer
aux = num : c = 0 : S = 0 : f = 0 : A = 1
If (nd > 0) And (nd <= contar_digitos(aux)) Then
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10
c = c + 1
If c <= nd Then
S = (S * 10) + d
A = A * 10
aux = aux \ 10
S = invertir_digitos(S)
If verificar_digito_primo(S) = True Then
f = S + (f * A)
End If
S = 0
c = 0
A = 1
End If
End While
If contar_digitos(S) = nd And verificar_digito_primo(S) = True Then
f = S + (f * A)
End If
Return f
Console.WriteLine("La cantidad de Digitos tiene que mayor ND")
End If
End Function
Public Function filtrar_nd_impar(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal nd As Integer) As Integer
Dim aux, A, S, c, f As Integer
Dim d As Integer
aux = num : c = 0 : S = 0 : f = 0 : A = 1
If (nd > 0) And (nd <= contar_digitos(aux)) Then
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10
c = c + 1
If c <= nd Then
S = (S * 10) + d
A = A * 10
aux = aux \ 10
S = invertir_digitos(S)
If verificar_digito_impar(S) = True Then
f = S + (f * A)
End If
S = 0
c = 0
A = 1
End If
End While
If contar_digitos(S) = nd And verificar_digito_impar(S) = True Then
f = S + (f * A)
End If
Return f
Console.WriteLine("La cantidad de Digitos tiene que mayor ND")
End If
End Function
Public Function verificar_digito_primo(ByVal n1 As Integer) As Boolean
Dim a As Integer = 0
Dim num As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
num = n1
For i As Integer = 1 To num + 1
If (num Mod i = 0) Then
a = a + 1
End If
Next i
If (a <> 2) Then
b = False
b = True
End If
Return b
End Function
Public Function filtrar_digitos_primos(ByVal num As Integer) As Integer
Dim n1, m, d As Integer
n1 = num
m = 0
While n1 > 0
d = n1 Mod 10
n1 = n1 \ 10
If verificar_digito_primo(d) = True Then
m = (m * 10) + d
End If
End While
Return m
End Function
Public Function acumular_digitos_fibo(num As Integer) As String
Dim a, b As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim ba As Boolean = True
s = " "
a = filtrar_digitos_fibo(num)
a = invertir_digitos(a)
While a > 0
b = a Mod 10 : a = a \ 10
If ba = True Then
s = s + "1/" + CStr(b) + "!" + "-"
ba = False
s = s + "1/" + CStr(b) + "!" + "+"
ba = True
End If
End While
Return s
End Function
Public Function digitos_primos_nd_acumular(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal nd As Integer) As String
Dim aux, S, c, t As Integer
Dim str As String
Dim d As Integer
str = " "
aux = num : c = 0 : S = 0 : t = 1
'aux = invertir_digitos(aux)
If (nd > 0) And (nd <= contar_digitos(aux)) Then
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod 10
c = c + 1
If c <= nd Then
S = (S * 10) + d
aux = aux \ 10
S = invertir_digitos(S)
If verificar_digito_primo(S) = True Then
t = t * 2
str = str + CStr(t) + "√" + CStr(S) + " + "
End If
S = 0
c = 0
End If
End While
S = invertir_digitos(S)
If S > 0 And verificar_digito_primo(S) = True Then
t = t * 2
str = str + CStr(t) + "√" + CStr(S)
End If
Return str
Console.WriteLine("La cantidad de Digitos tiene que mayor ND")
End If
End Function
Public Function obtener_el_digito_mayor_nd(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal nd As Integer) As Integer
Dim aux, e, c, mult As Integer
Dim d As Integer
aux = num : c = 1 : mult = 1
While c <= nd
mult = mult * 10
c = c + 1
End While
d = aux Mod mult : aux = aux \ mult
While aux > 0
e = aux Mod mult : aux = aux \ mult
If e > d Then
d = e
End If
End While
Return d
End Function
Public Function encontrar_la_frecuencia_digito_forma_nd(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal nd As Integer, dig As Integer) As Integer
Dim aux, c, p, mult As Integer
Dim d As Integer
aux = num : c = 0 : mult = 1 : p = 1
While p <= nd
mult = mult * 10
p = p + 1
End While
While aux > 0
d = aux Mod mult : aux = aux \ mult
If d = dig Then
c += 1
End If
End While
Return c
End Function
Public Function DecToBase9(ByVal DecNum As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) As String
Dim num, d, e, f As Integer
num = DecNum
f = 0
e = num
If num >= b And b >= 2 And b <= 9 Then
While e >= b
d = num Mod b : e = num \ b
num = e
f = f * 10 + d
End While
If e > 0 Then
f = f * 10 + e
End If
f = invertir_digitos(f)
f = CStr(0)
End If
Return CStr(f)
End Function
Public Function Serie_Regular(num As Integer, vi As Integer, r As Integer) As Boolean
Dim t, i, c, max As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
i = 1
max = num
b = False
While i <= max
t = vi + (i - 1) * r
max = t
i = i + 1
If t = num Then
b = True
i = max + 1
End If
End While
Return b
End Function
'1. Verificar si un NE pertenece a la serie de Fibonacci.
' Ejemplo: N=13 => true o N=15=> false Fibonacci: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,…
Public Function ejercicio1() As Boolean
Dim num As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
num = n
b = verif_fibonacci(num)
Return b
End Function
'2. Verificar si un NE. Pertenece a la sucesión regular (Serie regular)
'Vi=7, r=3 Serie: 7,10,13,16,19,…. La Fórmula de la serie regular: t=vi+(i-1)*r
'Dónde: Vi:Valor inicial; r:Razon; i:sucesión progresiva estándar 1,2,3,4,5… y t:termino.
'Ejemplo: N=16 y Vi=7, r=3 => true N=15 y Vi=7;r=3 =>false
Public Function ejercicio2(vi As Integer, r As Integer) As Boolean
Dim num As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
num = n
b = Serie_Regular(num, vi, r)
Return b
End Function
'3. Accesar dígitos (de nd: # de dígitos) en sentido izquierda a derecha en una cadena/string.
'Ejemplos: N=123456 y ND=1 => S=”1,2,3,4,5,6,”
'N=123456 y ND=2 => S=”12,34,56”
Public Function ejercicio3(ByVal nd As Integer) As String
Dim num As String
Dim s As String
num = n
s = insertar_coma_numero_digitos(num, nd)
Return s
End Function
'4. Filtrar (dejar pasar) dígitos impares de un NE de a nd dígitos, el resultado en un string.
Public Function ejercicio4(ByVal nd As Integer) As String
Dim num, f As String
Dim s As String
num = n
f = filtrar_nd_impar(num, nd)
s = insertar_coma_numero_digitos(f, nd)
Return s
End Function
'5. Filtrar (dejar pasar) dígitos primos de un NE de a nd dígitos, el resultado en un string:
'Ejemplos: N=113417 y ND=2 => s=”17,11,”
Public Function ejercicio5(ByVal nd As Integer) As String
Dim num, f As String
Dim s As String
num = n
f = filtrar_nd_primos(num, nd)
s = insertar_coma_numero_digitos(f, nd)
Return s
End Function
'6. Acumular con dígitos de Fibonacci:
'Ejemplo N = 1234567 >= F = 1 / 5.0! – 1/3! + 1/2! - 1/1!
Public Function ejercicio6() As String
Dim s As String
Dim num As Integer
num = n
s = acumular_digitos_fibo(num)
Return s
End Function
'7. Convertir un NE ( se supone en base 10) a base B. (2<=B>=9).
'Ejemplo: N=21 a B=2 => R=10101
'Ejemplo: N=36 a B=7 => R=51
'Aplicar la procedimiento de conversión.
Public Function ejercicio7(b As Integer) As String
Dim f As String
Dim num As Integer
num = n
f = DecToBase9(num, b)
Return f
End Function
'8. Con dígitos primos de nd dígitos, acumular: (Ver el ejercicio N° 4 como ayuda)
'Ejemplos: N=1234567 y ND=1 => F=√72+ √54+ √36
'N=132217 y ND=2 => F=√172+ √13
Public Function ejercicio8(nd As Integer) As String
Dim num As Integer
Dim s As String
num = n
s = digitos_primos_nd_acumular(num, nd)
Return s
End Function
'9. Encontrar el digito mayor de ND dígitos
'Ejemplo: N=28371 y ND=1 => R=8
'N=125423 y ND=2 => R=54
Public Function ejercicio9(nd As Integer) As Integer
Dim f, num As Integer
num = n
f = obtener_el_digito_mayor_nd(num, nd)
Return f
End Function
'10. Encontrar la frecuencia de DIG de a nd dígitos de un NE.
'Ejemplo. N=2462482 y nd=1 y DIG=2 => r=3
'Ejemplo N = 335733 y nd=2 y DIG 33 => r=2
Public Function ejercicio10(nd As Integer, dig As Integer) As Integer
Dim f, num As Integer
num = n
f = encontrar_la_frecuencia_digito_forma_nd(num, nd, dig)
Return f
End Function
End Class
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