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Created April 18, 2019 05:02
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shared memory fun in python
using posix_ipc get some shared memory. ended up using fcntl.lockf to handle locking as it gives us locking on
ranges, which really helps performance. granted, performance isn't a big concern for this project, but it was
rather annoying how quickly things degraded when using other methods.
import ntxop.smem as smem
TACOS = (0, 32, smem._STR)
FOO = (32, 48, smem._INT)
BAR = (48, 65584, smem._PKL)
QUUX = (65584, 65600, smem._STR)
mm = smem.SmemFile('/mangos', 'r')
_zz = { 'foo' : { 'bar' : 33, 'baz' : 'quux' }, 'dink' : 'donk' }
c = 0
while (c<1000000):
import ntxop.smem as smem
TACOS = (0, 32, smem._STR)
FOO = (32, 48, smem._INT)
BAR = (48, 65584, smem._PKL)
QUUX = (65584, 65600, smem._STR)
mm = smem.SmemFile('/mangos', 'w')
_zz = { 'foo' : { 'bar' : 33, 'baz' : 'quux' }, 'dink' : 'donk' }
c = 0
while (c<1000000):
for x in ["A"*32, "B"*32, 'C'*32, 'D'*32, 'E'*32]:
import ntxop.smem as smem
TACOS = (0, 32, smem._STR)
FOO = (32, 48, smem._INT)
BAR = (48, 65584, smem._PKL)
QUUX = (65584, 65800, smem._STR)
mm = smem.SmemFile('/mangos', 'w')
_zz = { 'foo' : { 'bar' : 33, 'baz' : 'quux' }, 'dink' : 'donk' }
c = 0
while (c<1000000):
for x in ["A"*32, "B"*32, 'C'*32, 'D'*32, 'E'*32]:
The smem module provides a standard interface to a shared
memory buffer. Any change to offsets or resizing the
buffer will require a cold start of the system
import mmap
import pickle
import fcntl
import posix_ipc
_INT = 0 # int-as-string
_STR = 1 # string
_PKL = 2 # pickled
_JSN = 3 # json is unimplemenetd
_FLT = 4 # floating point
_RAW = 5 # just return it...
_SHMSIZE = 32768*1024 # 32MB!
# GENERATION = (0,8, _STR)
# LENGTH = (8,16, _INT)
class SmemFile:
SmemFile deals with the actual file and is generic enough to be used
with anything that needs to deal with regions in an mmap file in the
simple ways we use them in ntxop
def __init__(self, shmname, mode="r"):
Opens the given file then mmaps it to a buffer in the object
mode can be 'w' for read/write or anything else for read-only.
The default is read-only.
if ( shmname[0] == "/" ):
self._shmname = shmname
self._semname = shmname # it gets named sem.whatever so nbd
raise ValueError('Invalid shm name')
if (mode == 'w'):
prot = mmap.PROT_READ | mmap.PROT_WRITE
self._shm = posix_ipc.SharedMemory(self._shmname, posix_ipc.O_CREAT | posix_ipc.O_RDWR, 0o664, _SHMSIZE)
prot = mmap.PROT_READ
self._shm = posix_ipc.SharedMemory(self._shmname, posix_ipc.O_CREAT | posix_ipc.O_RDWR, 0o664, _SHMSIZE, True)
self.buf = mmap.mmap(self._shm.fd, 0, prot=prot)
def flush(self):
def get_offset(self, offset):
return the item at the given offset. The offset is a tuple
in the form of (start, end, type). Types are defined
at the top of this file: _INT, _STR, _PKL, _JSN, _FLT
strings are always returned stripped. do your formatting
elsewhere or do something more clever.
start, end, typ = offset
maxlen = end - start
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_SH, maxlen, start, 0)
buf = self.buf[start:end]
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN, maxlen, start, 0)
# strings are stripped and decoded
if (typ == _STR):
return buf.strip(b'\x00 ').decode()
# invalid number strings get returned as zero
if (typ == _INT):
return int(buf.strip(b'\x00 '))
return 0
# invalid pickles return as None
# as the assumption is that nothing is there
if (typ == _PKL):
return pickle.loads(buf)
return None
# return 0.0 on invalid floating point
if (typ == _FLT):
return float(buf.strip(b'\x00 '))
return float(0)
# assume raw by default
return buf
def set_offset(self, offset, obj):
the setting version of get_offset... the obj is
handled based on the type specified in the offset tuple
start, end, typ = offset
# we can't put more stuff into the shared buffer than
# is allowed so let's get our max length here
maxlen = end - start
# fcntl.lockf(fd, cmd, len=0, start=0, whence=0)
if (typ == _STR):
if (len(obj) > maxlen):
raise ValueError('TOO LONG')
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX, maxlen, start, 0)
self.buf[start:end] = bytes(str(obj), 'utf-8').ljust(maxlen, b'\x00')
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN, maxlen, start, 0)
return True
if (typ == _INT):
tmp = str(obj)
if (len(tmp) > maxlen):
raise ValueError('TOO LONG')
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX, maxlen, start, 0)
self.buf[start:end] = bytes(tmp, 'utf-8').ljust(maxlen, b'\x00')
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN, maxlen, start, 0)
return True
if (typ == _PKL):
# handles like raw but with an extra step...
tmp = pickle.dumps(obj)
if (len(tmp) > maxlen):
raise ValueError('TOO LONG')
self._write(start, maxlen, tmp)
return True
if (typ == _JSN):
return False
if (typ == _FLT):
return False
if (typ == _RAW):
if (len(obj) > maxlen):
raise ValueError('TOO LONG')
self._write(start, maxlen, obj)
return True
raise ValueError("Invalid type sepcified")
def _write(self, start, blen, blob):
does a write to the buffer like a file
if ( len(blob) > blen ):
raise ValueError
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX, maxlen, start, 0)
self.buf[start:start+blen] = b''.ljust(blen, b'\x00')
fcntl.lockf(self._shm.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN, maxlen, start, 0)
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