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Last active May 12, 2021 17:32
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Save jhavard/7d738f328af6caed92200181895f0528 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints USPS Informed Visibility data stored in mongodb, previous version used the raw json files
# Now uses MongoDB
import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import json
import texttable
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client['mailthings']
iv = db['ivmtr']
for x in iv.find().sort('scanDatetime'):
fstr = "%s %s %s %-11s %s %-31s %-24s %24s %2s %5s %s"
mid = x['imbMid'][6:9]
if (x['predictedDeliveryDate'] != None):
deldate = x['predictedDeliveryDate'][0:10]
deldate = ""
if (x['mailPhase'] == None):
print(fstr % (x['scanDatetime'], mid, x['imbSerialNumber'], x['imbRoutingCode'], x['handlingEventType'],
"ZIP+4 Entry", "", "", "", "", deldate))
phase = x['mailPhase'].replace('Phase ', '').replace('Processing', 'Proc').replace('Destination', 'Dest').replace('Sequenced', 'Seq').replace('Sortation', 'Sort').replace('Cancellation', 'Cncl')
print(fstr % (x['scanDatetime'], mid, x['imbSerialNumber'], x['imbRoutingCode'], x['handlingEventType'],
phase, x['scanFacilityName'], x['scanFacilityCity'], x['scanFacilityState'], x['scanFacilityZip'], deldate))
except Exception as e:
# pprint.pprint(x)
Quick and dirty, but it gets the job done.
on my ingest host, they connect via sftp as user 'iv', which is all chrooted, so
the json files are initially saved in /home/iv/root/feed
From cron, I run this script and archive the ingested files like so:
0,30 * * * * ( cd /home/iv ; ./iv_feed_stuffer ; cd root/feed ; mv *.json ../archive 2> /dev/null )
import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import json
import texttable
import pymongo
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client['mailthings']
ivmtr = db['ivmtr']
# go to the feed directory
# load pathlib and then glob on *.json
pl = pathlib.PosixPath()
for jfile in pl.glob('*.json'):
fp ='r')
data = json.load(fp)
print("JSON LOAD FAILURE ON %s" % jfile)
data = []
# stuff all data['events'] into mongo
except Exception as e:
print("EXCEPTION ON %s: %s" % (jfile,e))
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