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Last active February 17, 2016 21:29
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Novra S300N Status Graphs
This is a quick and dirty script to grab the xml status from the Novra 'cmcs' utility,
grab the items we care about, add those to an rrd file, and then generate graphs. Not
really concerned with much more than the past day, but I made the rrd database large
enough to give a decade's worth of data to the 15 minute mark (I think). Since I can
never remember how to generate an rrd file, I googled for some little online thing
that will help. Take a look at if you are in the same boat.
This entire thing is probably wrong, but it works, so close enough.
rrdtool create satellite.rrd --step '60' \
'DS:sigdbm:GAUGE:180:-100:5' 'DS:sigcn:GAUGE:180:-100:100' 'DS:dvbaccepted:COUNTER:180:U:U' \
'DS:ethout:COUNTER:180:U:U' DS:freqoffset:GAUGE:180:-10000000:10000000 \
'DS:uncorr:GAUGE:180:0:1000000' 'DS:VBER:GAUGE:180:-1000000:1000000' \
'DS:PER:GAUGE:180:-1000000:1000000' 'RRA:MAX:0.5:1:130000' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:130000' 'RRA:MIN:0.5:1:130000' 'RRA:MAX:0.5:5:260000' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:260000' 'RRA:MIN:0.5:5:260000' 'RRA:MAX:0.5:15:350400' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:15:350400' 'RRA:MIN:0.5:15:350400' 'RRA:LAST:0.5:1:260000'
Also, please note that on my systems, the 'cmcs' command is actually a wrapper that supplies
the appropriate IP and password for the receiver and then passes all arguments to the real
cmcs utility. Actually, since the satellite multicast network is on a separate switch,
I took it a step further. The real cmcs utility is on the host that runs the
NOAAport ingest processes, as is the first level wrapper. All the other hosts on the
network have a second level wrapper that connects to that machine via ssh and runs
the top-level wrapper.
That being said, the script that updates the rrd file and generates the graphs is running
on the NOAAport box, and that directory is mounted via nfs on the web server. It doesn't
have to be that way, it just seemed right at the time.
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use RRDs;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$now_string = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime;
$infoo = `/usr/local/bin/cmcs -xmlstatus`;
my $dat = XMLin($infoo);
$upd = sprintf "N:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $dat->{'SIGNAL_STRENGTH_AS_DBM'}, $dat->{'CARRIER_TO_NOISE'}, $dat->{'TOTAL_DVB_PACKETS_ACCEPTED'},
$dat->{'VBER'}, $dat->{'PER'};
RRDs::update($SATF, $upd);
sub do_graph {
$file = "$BASE/graphs/" . $_[0];
$key = $_[1];
$color = $_[2];
$comment = $_[3];
$unit = $_[4];
RRDs::graph $file, "--start", "end-93600s", "--end", "now", "--width", "600", "-W", "HEATER Labs / WXLAB $now_string", "-E",
"GPRINT:xn:LAST:Current %5.2lf $unit", "GPRINT:xh:LAST:Max %5.2lf $unit", "GPRINT:xa:LAST:Avg %5.2lf $unit", "GPRINT:xl:LAST:Min %5.2lf $unit";
do_graph "day_cn.png", "sigcn", "FF0000", "dB C/N", "dB";
do_graph "day_dbm.png", "sigdbm", "FF0000", "Signal Strength (dBm)", "dBm";
do_graph "day_dvbacc.png", "dvbaccepted", "00AA00", "DVB Packets Accepted", "pps";
do_graph "day_ethout.png", "ethout", "00AA00", "Ethernet Packets Out","pps";
do_graph "day_freqerr.png", "freqoffset", "0000BB", "Frequency Offset / Error", "Hz";
do_graph "day_uncorr.png", "uncorr", "FF0000", "Uncorrectable Packets", "pkts";
do_graph "day_vber.png", "VBER", "FF9911", "VBER", "VBER";
do_graph "day_per.png", "PER", "99FF11", "PER", "PER";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Satellite Graphs</title>
<img src="graphs/day_dbm.png"><br>
<img src="graphs/day_cn.png"><br>
<img src="graphs/day_dvbacc.png"><br>
<img src="graphs/day_ethout.png"><br>
<img src="graphs/day_freqerr.png"><br>
<img src="graphs/day_uncorr.png"><br>
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