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Created October 17, 2019 19:05
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A sample BLE peripheral service and characteristic for use with Node.js and bleno.
/* characteristic.js
* A simple custom BLE peripheral characteristic for use with Node.js and bleno.
* This characteristic supports read, write, and notify properties.
* Julian Hays - 10/14/19
var util = require('util');
var bleno = require('bleno-mac'); //or 'bleno-mac' if you are using that
var BlenoCharacteristic = bleno.Characteristic;
var CustomCharacteristic = function() {, {
uuid: 'fd758b93-0bfa-4c52-8af0-85845a74a606',
properties: ['read', 'write', 'notify']
this._value = new Buffer(0);
this._updateValueCallback = null;
util.inherits(CustomCharacteristic, BlenoCharacteristic);
module.exports = CustomCharacteristic;
CustomCharacteristic.prototype.onReadRequest = function (offset, callback) {
console.log('CustomCharacteristic onReadRequest');
var data = new Buffer(1);
data.writeUInt8(42, 0);
callback(this.RESULT_SUCCESS, data);
CustomCharacteristic.prototype.onWriteRequest = function(data, offset, withoutResponse, callback) {
this._value = data;
console.log('CustomCharacteristic - onWriteRequest: value = ' + this._value.toString('hex'));
var isSubscribed = false
var notifyInterval = 5 //seconds
function delayedNotification(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (isSubscribed) {
var data = Buffer(3);
var now = new Date();
data.writeUInt8(now.getHours(), 0);
data.writeUInt8(now.getMinutes(), 1);
data.writeUInt8(now.getSeconds(), 2);
}, notifyInterval * 1000);
CustomCharacteristic.prototype.onSubscribe = function(maxValueSize, updateValueCallback) {
console.log('CustomCharacteristic - onSubscribe');
isSubscribed = true;
this._updateValueCallback = updateValueCallback;
CustomCharacteristic.prototype.onUnsubscribe = function() {
console.log('CustomCharacteristic - onUnsubscribe');
isSubscribed = false;
this._updateValueCallback = null;
/* service.js
* A simple custom BLE peripheral service for use with Node.js and bleno.
* Julian Hays - 10/14/19
var bleno = require('bleno-mac') ;
var BlenoPrimaryService = bleno.PrimaryService;
bleno.on('stateChange', function(state) {
console.log('on -> stateChange: ' + state);
if (state === 'poweredOn') {
console.log("request startAdvertising");
bleno.startAdvertising('CustomService', ['27cf08c1-076a-41af-becd-02ed6f6109b9']);
} else {
console.log("request stopAdvertising");
var CustomCharacteristic = require('./characteristic');
bleno.on('advertisingStart', function(error) {
console.log('on -> advertisingStart: ' + (error ? 'error ' + error : 'success'));
if (!error) {
new BlenoPrimaryService({
uuid: '27cf08c1-076a-41af-becd-02ed6f6109b9',
characteristics: [
new CustomCharacteristic()
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Thanks for sharing the code and guide link.
Your code and step-by-step guide is very well explained.

A step-by-step tutorial on this code is available on the Punch Through blog:

How can we show multiple characteristics? Adding new is not working (see below code example)

characteristics: [ new CustomCharacteristic(), new NewCustomCharacteristic(), // Add new here ]

help me to add multiple services and/or characteristics.

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