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Created July 9, 2013 09:12
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Graph with labeled edges

A graph with force layout (using d3.js) and labels on edges, autorotation of those labels and arrowheads

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Force Layout with labels on edges</title>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 1000;
var h = 600;
var linkDistance=200;
var colors = d3.scale.category10();
var dataset = {
nodes: [
{name: "Adam"},
{name: "Bob"},
{name: "Carrie"},
{name: "Donovan"},
{name: "Edward"},
{name: "Felicity"},
{name: "George"},
{name: "Hannah"},
{name: "Iris"},
{name: "Jerry"}
edges: [
{source: 0, target: 1},
{source: 0, target: 2},
{source: 0, target: 3},
{source: 0, target: 4},
{source: 1, target: 5},
{source: 2, target: 5},
{source: 2, target: 5},
{source: 3, target: 4},
{source: 5, target: 8},
{source: 5, target: 9},
{source: 6, target: 7},
{source: 7, target: 8},
{source: 8, target: 9}
var svg ="body").append("svg").attr({"width":w,"height":h});
var force = d3.layout.force()
var edges = svg.selectAll("line")
.attr("id",function(d,i) {return 'edge'+i})
.style("pointer-events", "none");
var nodes = svg.selectAll("circle")
.style("fill",function(d,i){return colors(i);})
var nodelabels = svg.selectAll(".nodelabel")
.attr({"x":function(d){return d.x;},
"y":function(d){return d.y;},
var edgepaths = svg.selectAll(".edgepath")
.attr({'d': function(d) {return 'M '+d.source.x+' '+d.source.y+' L '+ +' '},
'id':function(d,i) {return 'edgepath'+i}})
.style("pointer-events", "none");
var edgelabels = svg.selectAll(".edgelabel")
.style("pointer-events", "none")
'id':function(d,i){return 'edgelabel'+i},
.attr('xlink:href',function(d,i) {return '#edgepath'+i})
.style("pointer-events", "none")
.text(function(d,i){return 'label '+i});
'viewBox':'-0 -5 10 10',
.attr('d', 'M 0,-5 L 10 ,0 L 0,5')
.attr('fill', '#ccc')
force.on("tick", function(){
edges.attr({"x1": function(d){return d.source.x;},
"y1": function(d){return d.source.y;},
"x2": function(d){return;},
"y2": function(d){return;}
nodes.attr({"cx":function(d){return d.x;},
"cy":function(d){return d.y;}
nodelabels.attr("x", function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return d.y; });
edgepaths.attr('d', function(d) { var path='M '+d.source.x+' '+d.source.y+' L '+ +' ';
return path});
if (<d.source.x){
bbox = this.getBBox();
rx = bbox.x+bbox.width/2;
ry = bbox.y+bbox.height/2;
return 'rotate(180 '+rx+' '+ry+')';
else {
return 'rotate(0)';
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how i can set image/icon to each node , and i want to expand the child nodes when i click on main node.
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance

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