I hereby claim:
- I am jhbabon on github.
- I am jhbabon (https://keybase.io/jhbabon) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAjX5xO3GLE4GUqMipG9mhji5tjhMfAFM9MVfe1ZdTyiAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
/** | |
* Type Option represents an optional value: every option is either Some and contains a value, | |
* or None, and does not. | |
* | |
* The main idea behind Option is to prevent the abuse of null|undefined through the code | |
* and to enforce safe value checking through the type system. The absence of something is | |
* explicit thanks to None. | |
* | |
* @example Using basic is* methods | |
* |
import { env } from 'process' | |
function isNumber(n: unknown): n is number { | |
if (typeof n !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(n)) { | |
return false | |
} | |
return true | |
} |
setopt hist_ignore_all_dups | |
# based on: https://gist.github.com/dohq/9b97e07c865bb608108dd254b5e32fea | |
function scout-history() { | |
BUFFER=$(history -n -r 1 | scout --inline --lines=10 --search="$LBUFFER") | |
zle clear-screen | |
} | |
zle -N scout-history | |
bindkey '^r' scout-history |
" see: http://vimcasts.org/episodes/search-for-the-selected-text/ | |
function! s:VScoutSearch(cmdtype) | |
let temp = @s | |
norm! gv"sy | |
let s:selection = @s | |
let @s = temp | |
if a:cmdtype == 'files' | |
call scout#files#run({ 'search': s:selection }) | |
endif |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
require_relative 'visitor' | |
require_relative 'visitable' | |
class Object | |
include Visitable | |
end | |
class Log < Visitor | |
def visit_Array(array) | |
puts 'Logging array:' |
build_package_reconfigure() { | |
test -f configure || autoconf | |
} | |
build_package_patch_ruby_railsexpress() { | |
fetch_git rvm-patchsets git://github.com/skaes/rvm-patchsets.git master | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.2.3/railsexpress/01-zero-broken-tests.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.2.3/railsexpress/02-improve-gc-stats.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.2.3/railsexpress/03-display-more-detailed-stack-trace.patch |
build_package_reconfigure() { | |
test -f configure || autoconf | |
} | |
build_package_patch_ruby_railsexpress() { | |
fetch_git rvm-patchsets git://github.com/skaes/rvm-patchsets.git master | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.6/railsexpress/01-zero-broken-tests.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.6/railsexpress/02-improve-gc-stats.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.6/railsexpress/03-display-more-detailed-stack-trace.patch |
build_package_reconfigure() { | |
test -f configure || autoconf | |
} | |
build_package_patch_ruby_railsexpress() { | |
fetch_git rvm-patchsets git://github.com/skaes/rvm-patchsets.git master | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.5/railsexpress/01-zero-broken-tests.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.5/railsexpress/02-improve-gc-stats.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.5/railsexpress/03-display-more-detailed-stack-trace.patch |
build_package_reconfigure() { | |
test -f configure || autoconf | |
} | |
build_package_patch_ruby_railsexpress() { | |
fetch_git rvm-patchsets git://github.com/skaes/rvm-patchsets.git master | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.4/railsexpress/01-zero-broken-tests.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.4/railsexpress/02-improve-gc-stats.patch | |
patch -p1 < rvm-patchsets/patches/ruby/2.1.4/railsexpress/03-display-more-detailed-stack-trace.patch |