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Last active May 19, 2023 16:34
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Escrow where
import Language.Marlowe.Extended.V1
main :: IO ()
main = printJSON escrow
-- We can set explicitRefunds True to run Close refund analysis
-- but we get a shorter contract if we set it to False
explicitRefunds :: Bool
explicitRefunds = False
seller, buyer, arbiter :: Party
buyer = Role "Buyer"
seller = Role "Seller"
arbiter = Role "Mediator"
price :: Value
price = ConstantParam "Price"
depositTimeout, disputeTimeout, answerTimeout, arbitrageTimeout :: Timeout
depositTimeout = TimeParam "Payment deadline"
disputeTimeout = TimeParam "Complaint deadline"
answerTimeout = TimeParam "Complaint response deadline"
arbitrageTimeout = TimeParam "Mediation deadline"
choice :: ChoiceName -> Party -> Integer -> Contract -> Case
choice choiceName chooser choiceValue = Case (Choice (ChoiceId choiceName chooser)
[Bound choiceValue choiceValue])
deposit :: Timeout -> Contract -> Contract -> Contract
deposit timeout timeoutContinuation continuation =
When [Case (Deposit seller buyer ada price) continuation]
choices :: Timeout -> Party -> Contract -> [(Integer, ChoiceName, Contract)] -> Contract
choices timeout chooser timeoutContinuation list =
When [choice choiceName chooser choiceValue continuation
| (choiceValue, choiceName, continuation) <- list]
sellerToBuyer, paySeller :: Contract -> Contract
sellerToBuyer = Pay seller (Account buyer) ada price
paySeller = Pay buyer (Party seller) ada price
refundBuyer :: Contract
| explicitRefunds = Pay buyer (Party buyer) ada price Close
| otherwise = Close
refundSeller :: Contract
| explicitRefunds = Pay seller (Party seller) ada price Close
| otherwise = Close
escrow :: Contract
escrow = deposit depositTimeout Close $
choices disputeTimeout buyer refundSeller
[ (0, "Everything is alright"
, refundSeller
, (1, "Report problem"
, sellerToBuyer $
choices answerTimeout seller refundBuyer
[ (1, "Confirm problem"
, refundBuyer
, (0, "Dispute problem"
, choices arbitrageTimeout arbiter refundBuyer
[ (0, "Dismiss claim"
, paySeller
, (1, "Confirm problem"
, refundBuyer
{"valueParameterInfo":[["Price",{"valueParameterFormat":{"contents":[6,"₳"],"tag":"DecimalFormat"},"valueParameterDescription":"The price of the item."}]],"timeParameterDescriptions":[["Payment deadline","The _**buyer**_ must pay the _price_ of the item by this time, otherwise the contract is cancelled."],["Complaint deadline","The _**buyer**_ can only complain until this deadline, otherwise the contract will assume the transaction went smoothly and pay the _**seller**_."],["Complaint response deadline","If the _**buyer**_ complained, the _**seller**_ must respond before this deadline, otherwise the contract will assume there was a problem with the transaction and refund the _**buyer**_."],["Mediation deadline","If the _**buyer**_ and the _**seller**_ disagree, the _**mediator**_ must weigh in before this deadline, otherwise the contract will assume there was a problem with the transaction and refund the _**buyer**_."]],"roleDescriptions":[["Buyer","The buyer of the item."],["Mediator","The mediator decides who is right in the case of dispute."],["Seller","The seller of the item."]],"contractType":"Escrow","contractShortDescription":"In this contract a _**seller**_ wants to sell an item (like a bicycle) to a _**buyer**_ for a _price_.","contractName":"Purchase","contractLongDescription":"Neither trusts each other, but they both trust a _**mediator**_. The _**buyer**_ pays the _price_ into the contract account: if both the _**buyer**_ and the _**seller**_ agree that the _**buyer**_ has received the item, then the _**seller**_ receives the _price_; if not, then the _**mediator**_ ensures that the _**buyer**_ gets their money back.","choiceInfo":[["Confirm problem",{"choiceFormat":{"contents":null,"tag":"DefaultFormat"},"choiceDescription":"Acknowledge there was a problem and a refund must be granted."}],["Dismiss claim",{"choiceFormat":{"contents":null,"tag":"DefaultFormat"},"choiceDescription":"The _**Mediator**_ does not see any problem with the exchange and the _**Seller**_ must be paid."}],["Dispute problem",{"choiceFormat":{"contents":null,"tag":"DefaultFormat"},"choiceDescription":"The _**Seller**_ disagrees with the _**Buyer**_ about the claim that something went wrong."}],["Everything is alright",{"choiceFormat":{"contents":null,"tag":"DefaultFormat"},"choiceDescription":"The transaction was uneventful, _**Buyer**_ agrees to pay the _**Seller**_."}],["Report problem",{"choiceFormat":{"contents":null,"tag":"DefaultFormat"},"choiceDescription":"The _**Buyer**_ claims not having received the product that was paid for as agreed and would like a refund."}]]}
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