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Last active January 20, 2022 02:55
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// A minimal reimplementation if mizzle's typechecker in CSharp
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
// Whats the point of this type?
// For use in other generic types, like say `Result<Unit, string>` or `Outcome<Unit>`
public struct Unit {}
// Why use records? Cause C# will auto-implement stuff for us like `==`
// These types are declared as records so that equality is automaically implemented for them
// Similar to the `Nullable` type
public abstract record Option<T>
public sealed record Some : Option<T>
public T Data { get; init; }
public sealed record Nil : Option<T>
// Convenience funtions
public static Option<T> Of(T data) => new Some { Data = data };
// Like the `Option` type, but a value can also be provided on error
public abstract record Result<TOkay, TError>
public sealed record Okay : Result<TOkay, TError>
public TOkay Data { get; init; }
public sealed record Error : Result<TOkay, TError>
public TError Data { get; init; }
// Convenience functions
public static Result<TOkay, TError> Ok(TOkay data) => new Okay { Data = data };
public static Result<TOkay, TError> Err(TError data) => new Error { Data = data };
// This function only exists for testing, NOT as an alternative to `switch`
public bool IsErr() => this switch
Result<TOkay, TError>.Okay _ => false,
Result<TOkay, TError>.Error _ => true,
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Pattern match is not exhaustive"),
* AST corresponds to this language:
* type := "int" | "bool"
* int_literal := regex [0-9]
* bool_literal := "true" | "false"
* expression := int_literal |
* bool_literal |
* expression ":" type |
* "if" expression "then" expression "else" expression "end"
* For Example:
* ```
* if true : bool then
* 3
* else
* 4
* end
* ```
public enum Type {
public abstract record Ast {
public sealed record IntLiteral : Ast
public int Data { get; init; }
public sealed record BoolLiteral : Ast
public bool Data { get; init; }
public sealed record TypeAnnotation : Ast
public Ast Expression { get; init; }
public Type Annotation { get; init; }
public sealed record If : Ast
public Ast Condition { get; init; }
public Ast OnTrue { get; init; }
public Ast OnFalse { get; init; }
// Point of this type is to track errors that may occur
// And track the currently infered type
public sealed record Outcome<T> {
public Option<T> Result { get; init; }
public List<string> Errors { get; init; }
// Make `Outcome` of a succesful value
public static Outcome<T> Of(T data) => new Outcome<T>() {
Result = Option<T>.Of(data),
Errors = new List<string>(),
// Make `Outcome` of error value
public static Outcome<T> OfErr(string error) => new Outcome<T>() {
Result = new Option<T>.Nil(),
Errors = new List<string>() { error },
// Empty `Outcome` for when needs to be immediatly recovered
public static Outcome<Unit> Empty() => new Outcome<Unit> {
Result = Option<Unit>.Of(new Unit {}),
Errors = new List<string>(),
// Used for recovering the type checker to continue typechecking
// In other words, use this new type but keep the previous errors
public Outcome<U> RecoverTo<U>(U item) => new Outcome<U> {
Result = Option<U>.Of(item),
Errors = Errors,
// Monadic bind, also known as `bind`, `andThen`, `then`, `let*` and `>>=`
// In summary: take an `Outcome` then map over it and flatten
public Outcome<U> FlatMap<U>(Func<T, Outcome<U>> flatMapper) {
switch (this.Result) {
// If the `Outcome` result is something
case Option<T>.Some some: {
// Then apply the function
var nextOutcome = flatMapper(some.Data);
return new Outcome<U>() {
Result = nextOutcome.Result,
// Merge previous errors with new
Errors = Errors.Concat(nextOutcome.Errors).ToList(),
// If the `Outcome` result is `Nil` do nothing
case Option<T>.Nil:
return new Outcome<U>() {
Result = new Option<U>.Nil(),
Errors = Errors,
throw new ArgumentException("Pattern match is not exhaustive");
// Monoidal product, also known as `and*`
// In summary: take two `Outcome`s,
// If they are both successful then return tuple of both values
// Otherwise return `Nil`
public Outcome<(T, U)> AndZip<U>(Outcome<U> other) {
// Merge errors together, first then second
var combinedErrors = this.Errors.Concat(other.Errors).ToList();
switch (this.Result, other.Result) {
// If Both are `Some`, return a tuple
case (Option<T>.Some first, Option<U>.Some second):
return new Outcome<(T, U)> {
Result = Option<(T, U)>.Of((first.Data, second.Data)),
Errors = combinedErrors,
// If one or more are `Nil`, return `Nil`
case (_, _):
return new Outcome<(T, U)> {
Result = new Option<(T, U)>.Nil(),
Errors = combinedErrors,
throw new ArgumentException("Pattern match is not exhaustive");
public sealed class TypeChecker {
// Inferes the type of the passes expression
private static Outcome<Type> infer(Ast ast) => ast switch
// Literals have the same type of the literal
Ast.IntLiteral lit => Outcome<Type>.Of(Type.Int),
Ast.BoolLiteral lit => Outcome<Type>.Of(Type.Bool),
// Infer the type of the expression
Ast.TypeAnnotation ta => infer(ta.Expression)
// If inferring the type was successful, then check if the annotation matches the inferred type
// Otherwise no nothing
.FlatMap((type) => {
if (type == ta.Annotation)
return Outcome<Unit>.Empty();
return Outcome<Unit>.OfErr($"Annotation different than expression type: {type} != {ta.Annotation}");
// Recover to the annotated type no matter what
// Infer the type of the `if` condition
Ast.If iff => infer(iff.Condition)
// If inferring the type was successful, then check that condition is of the type `bool`
.FlatMap(type => {
if (type == Type.Bool)
return Outcome<Unit>.Empty();
return Outcome<Unit>.OfErr($"`if` confiditions have to be a boolean: {type} != bool");
// Recover to `Unit` to guarantee the following happens
.RecoverTo(new Unit {})
// Check if both branches of the if are of the same type
// `(_)` means we ignore whatever value is being passes, cause its `Unit` in this case
.FlatMap((_) => infer(iff.OnTrue).AndZip(infer(iff.OnFalse)))
.FlatMap((types) => {
if (types.Item1 == types.Item2)
return Outcome<Type>.Of(types.Item1);
return Outcome<Type>.OfErr($"`if` branches have to be the same type: {types.Item1} != {types.Item2}");
// If they are of different types, don't recover cause it can't be known which one is the "correct" type
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Pattern match is not exhaustive"),
// Wrapper for `infer`, so that it has a safer API
public static Result<Type, List<string>> check(Ast ast) {
var infered = infer(ast);
// If there are any errors, then return only the errors
if (infered.Errors.Count() > 0) {
return Result<Type, List<string>>.Err(infered.Errors);
} else {
// This unwraps the `Some`, since we already verfied it should have some value
// In other words if there are no errors then an inferred type has to exist
// Downcasting is unsafe, and should only be used when its not possible to prove that it is safe using `switch`
return Result<Type, List<string>>.Ok(((Option<Type>.Some) infered.Result).Data);
public class Program
// This stuff is all testing
static void Assert(bool check) {
if (!check) {
throw new ArgumentException("Nope");
static void Main()
Assert(TypeChecker.check(new Ast.IntLiteral { Data=1 }) == Result<Type, List<string>>.Ok(Type.Int));
Assert(TypeChecker.check(new Ast.BoolLiteral { Data=true }) == Result<Type, List<string>>.Ok(Type.Bool));
var code0 = new Ast.TypeAnnotation { Expression=new Ast.IntLiteral() { Data = 1 }, Annotation=Type.Int };
Assert(TypeChecker.check(code0) == Result<Type, List<string>>.Ok(Type.Int));
var code1 = new Ast.TypeAnnotation { Expression=new Ast.IntLiteral() { Data=1 }, Annotation=Type.Bool };
var code2 = new Ast.If { Condition=new Ast.BoolLiteral { Data=true}, OnTrue= new Ast.IntLiteral() { Data=1 }, OnFalse= new Ast.IntLiteral() { Data=2 } };
Assert(TypeChecker.check(code2) == Result<Type, List<string>>.Ok(Type.Int));
var code3 = new Ast.If { Condition=new Ast.BoolLiteral { Data=true}, OnTrue= new Ast.IntLiteral() { Data=1 }, OnFalse= new Ast.BoolLiteral() { Data=false } };
var code4 = new Ast.If {
Condition=new Ast.TypeAnnotation { Expression=new Ast.BoolLiteral { Data=true}, Annotation=Type.Int },
OnTrue= new Ast.IntLiteral() { Data=1 },
OnFalse= new Ast.BoolLiteral() { Data=false }
var output = (Result<Type, List<string>>.Error) TypeChecker.check(code4);
Assert(output.Data.Count() == 3);
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