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package app.client.reactComponents._experiments
import app.client.reactComponents._experiments.InnerComp.{
import japgolly.scalajs.react.CompScope.DuringCallbackU
import japgolly.scalajs.react.ReactComponentB.{P, PSB}
import japgolly.scalajs.react.ReactComponentC.ReqProps
import japgolly.scalajs.react.{
import org.scalajs.dom.html.Div
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.ReactTagOf
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._
class OnceSettable[A] {
private var _a: Option[A] = None
def set(a: A) = {
println("setting once settable")
if (_a.isEmpty) {
_a = Some(a)
} else throw new Exception("trying to set OnceSettable twice !")
def get() = {
println("getting once settable")
val isNotEmpty: Boolean = (!_a.isEmpty)
if (isNotEmpty) {
} else
throw new Exception(
"trying to use OnceSettable but it has not yet been set !")
object Common {
type State = String
object InnerComp {
import Common.State
type ICType = ReqProps[PropsWithState[Props, State], Unit, Unit, TopNode]
case class Props(i: Int)
case class PropsWithState[P, S](p: P, oldState: S, newState: OnceSettable[S] = new OnceSettable[S])
val ic_rend
: (DuringCallbackU[PropsWithState[Props, State], Unit, Unit]) => ReactElement = {
($ : DuringCallbackU[PropsWithState[Props, State], Unit, Unit]) =>
println("InnerComp render started")
val r: ReactTagOf[Div] =
<.div("Passed in props: ", $.props.p.i,
"Passed in state: ", $.props.oldState)
val res: ReactElement = _react_autoRender(r)
println("before returning from InnerComp render")
val ic1: P[PropsWithState[Props, State]] = ReactComponentB[PropsWithState[Props, State]]("StateChanger")
val ic2: PSB[PropsWithState[Props, State], Unit, Unit] = ReactComponentB._defaultBuildStep_noBackend(ic1)
val ic3 = ic2.render(ic_rend)
val ic4 = ReactComponentB._defaultBuildStep_builder(ic3)
val comp: ICType =
object OuterComp {
import Common.State
import InnerComp.Props
val rc_render: (DuringCallbackU[State, Unit, Unit]) =>
ReactComponentU[ PropsWithState[Props, State], Unit, Unit, TopNode] =
{ ($ : DuringCallbackU[State, Unit, Unit]) => println("RootComp render started")
val props = Props(42)
val startState: String = $.props
println("before running InnerComp.comp(in)")
val in = PropsWithState[Props, State](props, startState)
val vdom = InnerComp.comp(in)
println(s"after running InnerComp.comp(in) = $vdom")
println("before return from RootComp render")
val rc1 = ReactComponentB[State]("RootComp")
val rc2 = ReactComponentB._defaultBuildStep_noBackend(rc1)
val rc3 = rc2.render(rc_render)
val rc4 = ReactComponentB._defaultBuildStep_builder(rc3)
Main.scala :
import app.client.reactComponents._experiments.OuterComp
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.ReactTagOf
import japgolly.scalajs.react.{ReactComponentU, ReactDOM, TopNode}
import org.scalajs
import org.scalajs.dom
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
object Main extends js.JSApp {
def main(): Unit = {
ReactDOM.render(OuterComp.comp("Start State"),
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