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Last active April 18, 2022 09:07
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# ## ##
# Implements maximization of a window in i3.
# Swaps the focused container into a new workspace and
# and restores it when run again.
# Supports multiple displays.
# Fetch this script. Then edit ~/.i3/config:
# # toggle maximized mode for the focused container
# bindsym $mod+f exec ~/scripts/
# # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
# bindsym $mod+Shift+f fullscreen
if ! type "jq" 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing jq dependency. Install with:"
echo " sudo apt install jq"
exit 1
# Apply a suffix to everything so this works independently for multiple outputs.
DISPLAY_ID=$( i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused==true).output' | sed s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g )
# The name of the workspace we'll create.
# The name of the container which will be swapped to the new workspace.
# The name of the container we'll put in its place while maximized
# Helper: swaps the focused container into the new "maximized" workspace.
maximize() {
i3-msg "mark ${MAX}; workspace ${MAX_WS}; open; mark ${HOLE}; swap container with mark ${MAX}"
# Helper: puts the maximized container back in its prior position
# arg $1: whether or not to focus restored container
restore() {
CMD="[con_mark=${HOLE}] swap container with mark ${MAX}; [con_mark=${HOLE}] kill;"
if [ $1 = true ]; then
# Set focus to restored window.
CMD="${CMD} [con_mark=${MAX}] focus;"
CMD="${CMD} unmark ${MAX}; unmark ${HOLE}"
i3-msg "${CMD}"
# Workspace we're currently showing.
CURRENT_WS=$( i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused==true).name' )
if [ "${CURRENT_WS}" = "${MAX_WS}" ]; then
# CASE: currently displaying the maximize workspace.
# Restore the container and focus.
restore true
exit 0
MAX_WS_GET=$( i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq -r ".[] | select(.name==\"${MAX_WS}\")" )
if [ -z "${MAX_WS_GET}" ]; then
# CASE: no existing maximize workspace
# Attempt to clean up an existing hole. This can happen if the maximized
# window is closed without unmaximizing first.
i3-msg "[con_mark=${HOLE}] kill"
# Maximize the focused container
exit 0
# CASE: existing maximize workspace somewhere else.
# Put existing maximized container back in its place first.
restore false
# Then maximize focused container.
exit 0
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cmena commented Aug 6, 2021

thanks for this.

fyi, missing an & on redirection (2>&1). ends up creating files named "1" in cwd.

if ! type "jq" 2>1 > /dev/null; then

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jheidel commented Aug 7, 2021

thanks for this.

fyi, missing an & on redirection (2>&1). ends up creating files named "1" in cwd.

if ! type "jq" 2>1 > /dev/null; then

Ah, thanks, fixed.

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