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Last active May 20, 2024 17:25
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Predict how well your talk will do at an AI Tinkerers meetup
Here is some background information about AI Tinkerers:
AI Tinkerers is a meetup designed exclusively for practitioners who possess technical, machine learning, and entrepreneurial backgrounds and are actively building and working with foundation models, such as large language models (LLMs) and generative AI. If you’re deeply passionate about creating LLM-enabled applications, have hands-on experience in building such systems, and are eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share your level of commitment, then this group is the perfect fit for you. With AI Tinkerers meetups taking place in multiple cities, we cater to a dedicated community of practitioners.
And here are some guidelines on how to create an effective demo for AI Tinkerers meetups:
To create a great demo at AI Tinkerers meetups, focus on live demonstrations that prioritize showing your project in action over static slides or lengthy explanations. Ensure your demo highlights the technical aspects of your work, diving into the code and showcasing what makes your project unique and relevant to current AI trends. Aim to engage your audience by presenting a clear and logical flow, explaining concepts concisely, and defining any technical jargon that may not be widely understood.
When preparing your demo, consider the following key criteria:
- Live Demonstration: Show your project running in real-time. Avoid pre-recorded videos or extensive slides. A single slide is acceptable if necessary, particularly for data visualization.
Technical Focus: Highlight the code and technical challenges you faced. Show how you overcame these challenges and what makes your solution special.
- Clarity and Engagement: Use large fonts and clear visuals for easy viewing. Speak clearly and loudly to ensure everyone can hear you, and guide the audience through your demo with a logical progression.
- Finally, remember that AI Tinkerers meetups are about sharing and learning rather than pitching products or services. Embrace any imperfections in your demo, as these are opportunities to share valuable insights and learnings with the community. By focusing on delivering a clear, engaging, and technically rich demonstration, you'll inspire others and contribute to the vibrant, collaborative spirit of AI Tinkerers.
Please review the following transcript of a presentation given at an AI Tinkerers meetup and provide feedback to help the presenter improve it for next time:
First, summarize the key points of the presentation inside <summary> tags.
Then, provide feedback on what the presenter did well in <positive_feedback> tags.
Next, provide 2-3 specific and actionable suggestions on how the presenter could improve their presentation for next time in <improvement_suggestions> tags. Focus your suggestions on the key criteria outlined in the demo guide.
Before giving your final score, write out your reasoning and justification inside <score_justification> tags.
Finally, provide an overall score for the presentation on a scale of 1-5 inside <score> tags, where 1 is poor and needs significant improvement, 3 is average, and 5 is an outstanding presentation that fully meets the criteria in the demo guide.
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