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Last active April 7, 2024 18:13
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Creates a dacpac file from a SQL Server database, with FULL SCHEMA and TABLE DATA, but optionally EXCLUDES specific table data
# Creates a dacpac file from a SQL Server database, with FULL SCHEMA and TABLE DATA, but optionally EXCLUDES specific table data
# Designed for use in GitHub Actions
# Example Usage:
# .\BackupDatabase.ps1 -DatabaseName "rtlc-prod" -ConnectionString "data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=rtlc-prod;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework;TrustServerCertificate=True" -ExludeTableNames "Log4net,LogEvent,__MigrationHistory" -DacpacOutputPath "C:\Users\joshh\AppData\Local\Temp"
# Target Database & Parameters
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ExludeTableNames = "None", # Comma separated list of table names to exclude from data export
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$DacpacOutputPath = (Split-Path $PSCommandPath) # Default to current dir
# Target File Name and Path
$isoDateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd.HH-mm-ss"
$outputFileName = "$DatabaseName`_$isoDateTime.dacpac"
$fullFilePath = Join-Path $DacpacOutputPath $outputFileName
Write-Host "Exporting $DatabaseName to $fullFilePath"
# Table list as Properties for SqlPackage Query
$exludeTablesListForQuery = ($ExludeTableNames -split ',' | ForEach-Object { "'$_'" }) -join ',' # Wrap each table in single quotes, convert to comma separated string for query
Write-Host "Excluding tables: $exludeTablesListForQuery"
$tableListAsPropertiesQuery = "
SELECT STRING_AGG(CONCAT('/p:TableData=', TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', TABLE_NAME), ',') as TableNamesList
AND TABLE_NAME NOT IN ($exludeTablesListForQuery)"
# Write-Host $tableListAsPropertiesQuery # Debug
# Invoke SQLCMD to get Table List, with Try Catch to handle any SQLCMD errors since Invoke-Sqlcmd doesn't have good error handling
try {
$params = @{
ConnectionString = $ConnectionString
Query = $tableListAsPropertiesQuery
IncludeSqlUserErrors = $true # Undocumented but required to get the actual error message from SQL Server
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
$queryResult = Invoke-Sqlcmd @params
# Write-Host $queryResult[0] # Debug
$tableListAsProperties = $queryResult[0]
if($tableListAsProperties.length -eq 0) {
Write-Host("No tables returned from Table List Query")
exit 1 # Exit with error code for GitHub actions to stop the workflow
Write-Host "Table List Query complete"
$tableListAsParameters = $tableListAsProperties -split ','
# Write-Host "Table Parameters: $tableListAsParameters" # Debug
catch {
Write-Host("Error querying database for Table List:" + $_.Exception.Message)
exit 1 # Exit with error code for GitHub actions to stop the workflow
# SqlPackage Extract
# Full Schema + selected table data
Write-Host "Starting SqlPackage Extract"
SqlPackage /Action:Extract /TargetFile:"$fullFilePath" /SourceConnectionString:"$ConnectionString" /p:VerifyExtraction=true $tableListAsParameters | Write-Host
Write-Host "Export complete"
Write-Output $fullFilePath
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
sparse-checkout: 'SourceCode/Database/BackupScripts'
- name: Ensure SqlPackage is installed
shell: pwsh
run: dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage
- name: Create Backup Directory
shell: pwsh
run: New-Item -Path ./SourceCode/Database/BackupScripts/Backup -ItemType Directory -Force
- name: Run Backup Script
shell: pwsh
run: ./SourceCode/Database/BackupScripts/BackupDatabase.ps1 -DatabaseName "${{ env.DatabaseName }}" -ConnectionString "${{ secrets.DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING_RTLC }}" -ExludeTableNames "Log4net,LogEvent,__MigrationHistory" -DacpacOutputPath "${{ github.workspace }}/SourceCode/Database/BackupScripts/Backup"
- name: Upload database for upload job
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: .database-backup
path: ./SourceCode/Database/BackupScripts/Backup
# Restores a local dacpac file to a SQL Server database
# IMPORTANT: Uses CreateNewDatabase=True to ALWAYS creates a new database, an existing database will be dropped and recreated.
# The connection string should include the "initial catalog=rtlc-prod-copy;" to specify the target database name.
# Example Usage:
# .\RestoreDatabase.ps1 -DatabaseConnectionString "data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=rtlc-prod;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework;TrustServerCertificate=True" -DacpacInputFilePath "C:\Users\joshh\AppData\Local\Temp\rtlc-prod_2024-04-07.11-22-51.dacpac"
# Target Local Database & Parameters
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Check if the dacpac file exists
if(-not (Test-Path $DacpacInputFilePath)) {
Write-Host("Dacpac file not found at $DacpacInputFilePath")
exit 1 # Exit with error code
# SqlPackage Publish
SqlPackage /Action:Publish /SourceFile:`"$DacpacInputFilePath`" /TargetConnectionString:`"$DatabaseConnectionString`" /p:CreateNewDatabase=True | Write-Host
Write-Host "Import complete"
# Execute the Backup Script against the Production database
# Initial Catalog in the connection string is the actual database name
Write-Host "Backing up the Production database and Restoring to Local database"
$BackupResultFileName = .\BackupDatabase.ps1 -DatabaseName "rtlc-prod" `
-ConnectionString "ProductionConnectionStringSecret" `
-ExludeTableNames "Log4net,LogEvent,__MigrationHistory" `
-DacpacOutputPath "C:\Users\joshh\AppData\Local\Temp"
# Check if the Backup was successful
Write-Host "Backup Result Output: $BackupResultFileName"
if ($BackupResultFileName.length -eq 0) {
Write-Host("Error backing up the database")
exit 1 # Exit with error code
# Restore the Production database to the Local database
# IMPORTANT: This will overwrite the existing local database specified in the Initial Catalog of the connection string
Write-Host "Restoring $BackupResultFileName to Local database"
& .\RestoreDatabase.ps1 -DatabaseConnectionString "data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=rtlc-prod;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework;TrustServerCertificate=True" `
-DacpacInputFilePath $BackupResultFileName
Write-Host "Database Restore Complete"
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