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Code to evaluate speed improvements using numba versus cython on a matrix factorization problem used in the setting of a recommendation system.
In [1]: import mf_rec_test as mfrt

In [2]:'python', num_factors=8, num_users=30, num_items=60)
Recommendation test time in minutes: 2.9021
Factorization RMSE: 0.087

In [3]:'cython', num_factors=8, num_users=30, num_items=60)
Recommendation test time in minutes: 0.0028
Factorization RMSE: 0.081

In [4]:'numba', num_factors=8, num_users=30, num_items=60)
Recommendation test time in minutes: 0.0652
Factorization RMSE: 0.088

In [5]:'numba', num_factors=8, num_users=30, num_items=60)
Recommendation test time in minutes: 0.0031
Factorization RMSE: 0.084
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adapted from example code by Albert Au Yeung (2010)
An implementation of matrix factorization...
R : a matrix to be factorized, dimension N x M
P : an initial matrix of dimension N x K
Q : an initial matrix of dimension M x K
K : the number of latent features
steps : the maximum number of steps to perform the optimisation
alpha : the learning rate
beta : the regularization parameter
the final matrices P and Q, steps taken and error
import numpy
def matrix_factorization(R, P, Q, K, steps=5000, alpha=0.0002, beta=0.02):
half_beta = beta / 2.0
for step in xrange(steps):
for i in xrange(len(R)):
for j in xrange(len(R[i])):
if R[i,j] > 0:
eij = R[i,j] -[i,:],Q[j,:])
for k in xrange(K):
P[i,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * Q[j,k] - beta * P[i,k])
Q[j,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * P[i,k] - beta * Q[j,k])
e = 0
for i in xrange(len(R)):
for j in xrange(len(R[i])):
if R[i,j] > 0:
e += (R[i,j] -[i,:],Q[j,:]))**2
for k in xrange(K):
e += half_beta * (P[i,k]*P[i,k] + Q[j,k]*Q[j,k])
if e < 0.001:
return P, Q, step, e
def matrix_factorization_original(R, P, Q, K, steps=5000, alpha=0.0002, beta=0.02):
Q = Q.T
for step in xrange(steps):
for i in xrange(len(R)):
for j in xrange(len(R[i])):
if R[i][j] > 0:
eij = R[i][j] -[i,:],Q[:,j])
for k in xrange(K):
P[i][k] = P[i][k] + alpha * (2 * eij * Q[k][j] - beta * P[i][k])
Q[k][j] = Q[k][j] + alpha * (2 * eij * P[i][k] - beta * Q[k][j])
e = 0
for i in xrange(len(R)):
for j in xrange(len(R[i])):
if R[i][j] > 0:
e = e + pow(R[i][j] -[i,:],Q[:,j]), 2)
for k in xrange(K):
e = e + (beta/2) * ( pow(P[i][k],2) + pow(Q[k][j],2) )
if e < 0.001:
return P, Q.T, step, e
if __name__ == "__main__":
R = [
R = numpy.array(R)
N = len(R)
M = len(R[0])
K = 2
P = numpy.random.rand(N,K)
Q = numpy.random.rand(M,K)
nP, nQ = matrix_factorization(R, P, Q, K)
nR =, nQ.T)
print nR
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adapted from example code by Albert Au Yeung (2010)
An implementation of matrix factorization...
R : a matrix to be factorized, dimension N x M
P : an initial matrix of dimension N x K
Q : an initial matrix of dimension M x K
K : the number of latent features
steps : the maximum number of steps to perform the optimisation
alpha : the learning rate
beta : the regularization parameter
the final matrices P and Q, steps taken and error
from __future__ import division
cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
def matrix_factorization(np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] R,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] P,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] Q,
int K,
int steps=5000,
double alpha=0.0002,
double beta=0.02):
cdef double half_beta = beta / 2.0
cdef int N = R.shape[0]
cdef int M = R.shape[1]
cdef double eij = 0.0
cdef double e = 0.0
cdef double two_eij = 0.0
cdef int step = 0
cdef int i = 0
cdef int j = 0
cdef int k = 0
cdef double temp = 0.0
for step in xrange(steps):
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(M):
if R[i,j] > 0:
#Convert the line
# eij = R[i,j] -[i,:],Q[j,:])
#in to avoid using numpy such that numba can optimize
#the calculation (once execution is moved into C, e.g. via
#numpy, numba cannot optimize the corresponding code). This
#code is now equivalent to for comparisons
eij = R[i,j]
for p in xrange(K):
eij -= P[i,p] * Q[j,p]
for k in xrange(K):
P[i,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * Q[j,k] - beta * P[i,k])
Q[j,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * P[i,k] - beta * Q[j,k])
e = 0.0
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(M):
if R[i,j] > 0:
temp = R[i,j]
for p in xrange(K):
temp -= P[i,p] * Q[j,p]
e = e + temp * temp
for k in xrange(K):
e += half_beta * (P[i,k]*P[i,k] + Q[j,k]*Q[j,k])
if e < 0.001:
return P, Q, step, e
if __name__ == "__main__":
R = [
R = np.array(R)
N = len(R)
M = len(R[0])
K = 2
P = np.random.rand(N,K)
Q = np.random.rand(M,K)
nP, nQ = matrix_factorization(R, P, Q, K)
nR =, nQ.T)
print nR
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adapted from example code by Albert Au Yeung (2010)
An implementation of matrix factorization...
R : a matrix to be factorized, dimension N x M
P : an initial matrix of dimension N x K
Q : an initial matrix of dimension M x K
K : the number of latent features
steps : the maximum number of steps to perform the optimisation
alpha : the learning rate
beta : the regularization parameter
the final matrices P and Q, steps taken and error
from operator import mul
from itertools import imap, izip, starmap
import numpy as np
from numba import typeof, double, int_
from numba.decorators import autojit, jit
@autojit(locals={'step': int_, 'e': double, 'err': double})
def matrix_factorization(R, P, Q, K):
steps = 5000
alpha = 0.0002
beta = 0.02
half_beta = beta / 2.0
N, M = R.shape
e = 0.0
for step in xrange(steps):
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(M):
if R[i,j] > 0:
#Convert the line
# eij = R[i,j] -[i,:],Q[j,:])
#in to avoid using numpy such that numba can optimize
#the calculation (once execution is moved into C, e.g. via
#numpy, numba cannot optimize the corresponding code)
eij = R[i,j]
for p in xrange(K):
eij -= P[i,p] * Q[j,p]
for k in xrange(K):
P[i,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * Q[j,k] - beta * P[i,k])
Q[j,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * P[i,k] - beta * Q[j,k])
e = 0.0
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(M):
if R[i,j] > 0:
temp = R[i,j]
for p in xrange(K):
temp -= P[i,p] * Q[j,p]
e = e + temp * temp
for k in xrange(K):
e += half_beta * (P[i,k]*P[i,k] + Q[j,k]*Q[j,k])
if e < 0.001:
return P, Q, step, e
@jit(argtypes=[double[:,:], double[:,:], double[:,:], int_],
restype=typeof((double[:,:], double[:,:], int_, double)),
locals={'step': int_, 'e': double, 'err': double})
def matrix_factorization2(R, P, Q, K):
steps = 5000
alpha = 0.0002
beta = 0.02
half_beta = beta / 2.0
Q = Q.T
N, M = R.shape
dot =
for step in xrange(steps):
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(M):
if R[i,j] > 0:
temp = double(dot(P[i,:], Q[:,j]))
#temp = sum(map(mul, P[i,:], Q[:,j]))
#temp = sum(imap(mul, P[i,:], Q[:,j]))
#temp = sum(starmap(mul, izip(P[i,:], Q[:,j])))
#temp = 0
#for p in xrange(M):
# temp = temp + P[i,p] * Q[p,j]
eij = R[i,j] - temp
for k in xrange(K):
P[i,k] += alpha * (2 * eij * Q[k,j] - beta * P[i,k])
Q[k,j] += alpha * (2 * eij * P[i,k] - beta * Q[k,j])
e = 0.0
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(M):
if R[i,j] > 0:
temp = double(dot(P[i,:], Q[:,j]))
#temp = sum(map(mul, P[i,:], Q[:,j]))
#temp = sum(imap(mul, P[i,:], Q[:,j]))
#temp = sum(starmap(mul, izip(P[i,:], Q[:,j])))
#temp = 0
#for p in xrange(M):
# temp = temp + P[i,p] * Q[p,j]
e = e + (R[i,j] - temp)**2
for k in xrange(K):
e = e + half_beta * (P[i,k]**2 + Q[k,j]**2)
if e < 0.001:
return P, Q.T, step, e
import shelve
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def make_ratings_data(num_users, num_items, seed=8675309):
'''Returns a num_users x num_items array of fake ratings, where the ratings
can be on a 1-5 star scale, with half-stars allowed. Assume a value of 0
indicates that the associated user has not rated the associated item. Like
most ratings data sets, the array will be sparse
valid_ratings = np.arange(1, 5.5, 0.5)
valid_ratings = np.insert(valid_ratings, 0, 0)
#Make ~80% of the data be "missing", with the other 20% having a uniform
#distribution over the 1-5 star rating scale
probs = [0.20 / 9] * 9
probs.insert(0, 0.80)
pseudo_RNG = np.random.RandomState(seed)
ratings_matrix = pseudo_RNG.choice(valid_ratings, replace=True,
size=(num_users, num_items),
return ratings_matrix
def run(hist=False, method='cython', seed=1234567, num_users=100,
num_items=200, num_factors=8):
start_time = time.time()
R = make_ratings_data(num_users, num_items, seed=None)
N, M = R.shape
K = num_factors
pseudo_RNG = np.random.RandomState(seed)
P = pseudo_RNG.rand(N, K)
Q = pseudo_RNG.rand(M, K)
if method == 'cython':
import mf_cython
matrix_factorization = mf_cython.matrix_factorization
if method == 'numba':
import mf_numba
matrix_factorization = mf_numba.matrix_factorization
if method == 'python':
import mf
matrix_factorization = mf.matrix_factorization
nP, nQ, steps, error = matrix_factorization(R, P, Q, K)
print 'Convergence in %i steps' % steps
nR =, nQ.T)
R_actual =, 0)
missing_mask =
nR_actual =, mask=missing_mask)
fit_error = nR_actual - R_actual
fit_error_filled = fit_error.filled(-999)
actual_ratings = np.where(fit_error_filled > -999)
fit_diffs = np.asarray(fit_error[actual_ratings])
fit_RMSE = np.sqrt(np.sum(fit_diffs**2) / fit_diffs.size)
if hist:
plt.hist(fit_diffs, bins=20)
plt.xlabel = 'Rating Error (ratings on 1-5, 1/2 point scale)'
plt.ylabel = 'Number of Consumers'
#Save the output for later if we want to analyze results without re-running
#the code...
s ='mf_rec_test_results_%s.db' % method)
s['nP'] = nP
s['nQ'] = nQ
s['nR'] = nR
s['R_actual'] = R_actual
s['nR_actual'] = nR_actual
s['fit_error'] = fit_error
print 'Recommendation test time in minutes: %.4f' \
% ((time.time() - start_time) / 60.0)
print 'Factorization RMSE: %.3f' % fit_RMSE
return None
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Apr 01 23:49:22 2012
@author: JoshuaHemann
# Run with:
# vs_compiler
# python build_ext --inplace
# to compile Cython extensions in-place (useful during development)
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
from Cython.Build import cythonize
import numpy as np
setup(cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext},
ext_modules=cythonize('mf_cython.pyx', annotate=True))
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