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Last active October 9, 2015 21:59
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  • Save jherico/825d1b9a551bc14e8df9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jherico/825d1b9a551bc14e8df9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
extern float currentTime();
namespace Controllers {
* Encapsulates a particular input / output,
* i.e. Hydra.Button0, Standard.X, Action.Yaw
class Endpoint {
virtual float value() = 0;
virtual void apply(float newValue, float oldValue, const Endpoint& source) = 0;
using EndpointList = std::list<Endpoint*>;
const EndpointList& getHardwareChannels();
class HardwareEndpoint : public Endpoint {
virtual float value() override {
// ...
virtual void apply(float newValue, float oldValue, const Endpoint& source) override {
// Default does nothing, but in theory this could be something like vibration
// mapping.from(xbox.X).to(xbox.Vibrate)
class VirtualChannel : public Endpoint {
virtual void apply(float newValue) {
if (newValue != _lastValue) {
_lastValue = newValue;
// emit valueChanged();
virtual float value() {
return _lastValue;
float _lastValue;
* A function which provides input
class FunctionEndpoint : public Endpoint {
virtual float value() override {
float now = currentTime();
float delta = now - _lastCalled;
float result =, QScriptValue(delta)).toNumber();
_lastCalled = now;
return result;
virtual void apply(float newValue, float oldValue, const Endpoint& source) override {
if (newValue != oldValue) {
//, oldValue, source);
float _lastValue{ NAN };
float _lastCalled{ 0 };
QScriptValue _outputFunction;
QScriptValue _inputFunction;
QScriptValue _object;
// Encapsulates part of a filter chain
class Filter {
virtual float apply(float newValue, float oldValue) = 0;
class ScaleFilter : public Filter {
virtual float apply(float newValue, float oldValue) {
return newValue * _scale;
float _scale{ 1.0 };
class PulseFilter : public Filter {
virtual float apply(float newValue, float oldValue) {
// ???
float _lastEmitValue{ 0 };
float _lastEmitTime{ 0 };
float _interval{ -1.0f };
using FilterList = std::list<Filter*>;
* encapsulates a source, destination and filters to apply
class Route {
Endpoint* _source;
Endpoint* _destination;
FilterList _filters;
using ValueMap = std::map<Endpoint*, float>;
class Mapping {
// List of routes
using List = std::list<Route>;
// Map of source channels to route lists
using Map = std::map<Endpoint*, List>;
Map _channelMappings;
ValueMap _lastValues;
class MappingsStack {
std::list<Mapping> _stack;
ValueMap _lastValues;
void update() {
EndpointList hardwareInputs = getHardwareChannels();
ValueMap currentValues;
for (auto input : hardwareInputs) {
currentValues[input] = input->value();
// Now process the current values for each level of the stack
for (auto& mapping : _stack) {
update(mapping, currentValues);
_lastValues = currentValues;
void update(Mapping& mapping, ValueMap& values) {
ValueMap updates;
EndpointList consumedEndpoints;
for (const auto& entry : values) {
Endpoint* endpoint = entry.first;
if (!mapping._channelMappings.count(endpoint)) {
const Mapping::List& routes = mapping._channelMappings[endpoint];
for (const auto& route : routes) {
float lastValue = 0;
if (mapping._lastValues.count(endpoint)) {
lastValue = mapping._lastValues[endpoint];
float value = entry.second;
for (const auto& filter : route._filters) {
value = filter->apply(value, lastValue);
updates[route._destination] = value;
// Update the last seen values
mapping._lastValues = values;
// Remove all the consumed inputs
for (auto endpoint : consumedEndpoints) {
// Add all the updates (may restore some of the consumed data if a passthrough was created (i.e. source == dest)
for (const auto& entry : updates) {
values[entry.first] = entry.second;
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