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Last active September 6, 2022 12:33
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Useful Shell Scripts
# print a line and then execute it. useful for composing scripts.
function peval() {
echo ">> $*"
eval $*
#grab path to project folder from git
function git_path() {
echo $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# get the name of the repo you are in
function cur_service_name() {
echo $(basename $(git_path)) # take only the name of the folder from the path
# run k env by grabbing the current service name (works for hydra apps as well)
function kk() {
local service_name=$(cur_service_name)
local pwd=$(PWD) # take only the name of the service
if [ "$service_name" = "5rr_v2" ]; then
if [[ "$pwd" =~ hydra ]]; then # hydras
local hydra_name=$(echo "$pwd" | sed 's/.*\/\(.*hydra\).*$/\1/')
local app_name=$(echo "$pwd" | sed 's/.*\/apps\/\([^\/]*\).*$/\1/')
local app_underscore=${app_name//-/_}
local service_name=$hydra_name".""$app_underscore"
peval "k env $1 $service_name"
alias kt='kk test'
alias kl='kk local'
alias kd='kk kubernetes_dev'
alias kml='kk minikube_local'
alias kma='kk minikube_aws'
# open the jenkins deploy for the current repo (inclduing hydras)
function jen() {
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
local service_name="$2"
local service_name=$(cur_service_name) # take only the name of the service
local pwd=$(PWD)
local base=""
local suf=""
case $1 in
d| dev)
local base=""
local suf="_kubernetes_dev/"
p| prod)
local base=""
local suf="_kubernetes_prod/"
if [ "$service_name" = "5rr_v2" ]; then # v2 has different naming
case $1 in
p| prod)
local service_name="fiverr_V2_FRONTEND_production/"
local suf=""
if [[ "$pwd" =~ hydra ]]; then # hydras
local hydra_name=$(echo "$pwd" | sed 's/.*\/\(.*hydra\).*$/\1/')
local app_name=$(echo "$pwd" | sed 's/.*\/apps\/\([^\/]*\).*$/\1/')
local app_underscore=${app_name//-/_}
local service_name=$hydra_name"_""$app_underscore"
peval "open $base$service_name$suf" # run the command - will open your default browser
alias jd='jen dev'
alias jp='jen prod'
# opens the github repo of the current service, showing the most recent commits
function repo() {
local pwd=$(PWD)
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
local service_name="$1"
local service_name=$(cur_service_name) # take only the name of the service
if [[ "$pwd" =~ hydra ]]; then # hydras
local hydra_name=$(echo "$pwd" | sed 's/.*\/\(.*hydra\).*$/\1/')
local service_name=$hydra_name
peval "open$service_name/commits" # run the command - will open your default browser
# clone a service to your pc by name
function fget() {
peval "cd /Volumes/fiverr_dev"
peval "git clone$1.git"
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