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Last active May 27, 2016 10:56
A script for deploying a meteor application to using for CI. Useful if your meteor app is not at the root of your repo.
# assumes a clean install on a fresh linux box.
# for use w/
set -e
set -u
# a reference to the cloned repository's path
### Install Meteor & Meteorite
curl > ./install_meteor
# modify the install script to
sed -i'' -e 's/PREFIX=.*/PREFIX="$HOME"/g' ./install_meteor
chmod u+x ./install_meteor
# add meteor to the path
export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/.meteor"
# install meteorite
npm install -g meteorite
### Meteor finished installing
### Deply to modulus
npm install -g modulus
modulus deploy -p $MODULUS_PROJECT_NAME
### Deploy to modulus finished
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This is great, thank you!

Just an FYI to anyone else coming across this, Codeship now has a gui for their Modulus integration. However, you still need to add lines 14-27 (place in the Test section of the gui):

###  Install Meteor & Meteorite
curl > ./install_meteor
# modify the install script to 
sed -i'' -e 's/PREFIX=.*/PREFIX="$HOME"/g' ./install_meteor 
chmod u+x ./install_meteor

# add meteor to the path
export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/.meteor"

# install meteorite
npm install -g meteorite
###  Meteor finished installing

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The gui for the Modulus integration is great if your meteor app is in the root of your repo, but deploys as a node app if you have it in a subdirectory. Using this script you can keep your app anywhere in the repo.

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gary-menzel commented May 27, 2016

I see this script is a couple of year old. I have recently been trying to deploy a Meteor 1.3 app from CodeShip to Modulus. However, I am encountering the problem in this following forum post (despite having used a custom script to use the latest Modulus version as the post advises):

tl;dr: a /mnt directory is not available (which seems to be an issue with the Modulus tool)

I am able to deploy from my dev machine (OS X Mavericks) using the process described in the post but it still fails on CodeShip (ticket in with their service desk).

I am wondering if the above would resolve the issue if I were to use the above.

Issue resolved. The latest Modulus deployment process (Version 6 - mentioned in the above link) requires your bundle to have the .meteor directory (which was not being included with my GitHub checkin). This now works: GitHub => CodeShip => Modulus (for Meteor 1.3). Details on:

Specifically the section around FILE STRUCTURE.

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