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Forked from swannodette/gist:1210048
Created September 13, 2011 23:18
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;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns repl.test
(:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]
[clojure.string :as s]
[goog.dom :as dom]
[ :as events]
[goog.fx.dom :as fx]))
(repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl")
(def foo (atom "null"))
(defn add-event [el e cb]
(events/listen el (name e) cb))
(defn fadein [el]
(let [anim (fx/Fade. el 0 1 500)]
(. anim (play))))
(defn capitalize [s]
(let [c (aget s 0)]
(str (. c (toUpperCase)) (. s (substring 1 (.length s))))))
(defn camelcase [s]
(let [[f & r] (. (name s) (split "-"))]
(apply str f (map #(capitalize %) r))))
(defmulti parse-style (fn [p v] p))
(defmethod parse-style :width [_ v] (str v "px"))
(defmethod parse-style :height [_ v] (str v "px"))
(defmethod parse-style :top [_ v] (str v "px"))
(defmethod parse-style :left [_ v] (str v "px"))
(defmethod parse-style :font-size [_ v] (str v "px"))
(defmethod parse-style :padding [_ v] (->> v (map #(str % "px")) (s/join " ")))
(defmethod parse-style :default [_ v] v)
(defn array-like->seq [ar]
(let [->seq (fn ->seq* [ar n]
(if (= (.length ar) n)
(cons (aget ar n)
(->seq* ar (inc n))))))]
(->seq ar 0)))
(extend-type js/CSSStyleDeclaration
(first [this]
(first (seq this)))
(rest [this]
(rest (seq this)))
(-seq [this] (array-like->seq this)))
(extend-type js/NodeList
(first [this]
(first (seq this)))
(rest [this]
(rest (seq this)))
(-seq [this] (array-like->seq this)))
(defn get-styles [el]
(into {} (for [p (.style el)]
[(keyword p) (aget (.style el) p)])))
(defmulti get-style (fn [el p] p))
(defmethod get-style :padding
[el p] (let [s (.style el)]
(into {} (map #(vector % (aget s (name %)))
[:padding-top :padding-right :padding-bottom :padding-left]))))
(defmethod get-style :default
[el p] (aget el p))
(defn set-styles! [el styles]
(doseq [[k v] styles]
(aset (.style el) (camelcase k) (parse-style k v))))
(defn init []
(let [div (dom/createDom "div" (.strobj {"id" "foo"}))
text (dom/createTextNode "Hello, world!")
body (aget (dom/getElementsByTagNameAndClass "body") 0)]
(dom/appendChild div text)
(dom/appendChild body div)
(add-event div :click
(fn [e]
(. js/console (log "Hello!"))))
(reset! foo div)))
;; hmm we have to eval the ns form first before we can just eval the following
(fadein @foo)
(set-styles! @foo {:color "white"
:background-color "blue"
:font-family "serif"
:width 500
:height 300})
(set-styles! @foo {:display "block"
:padding [10 10]
:font-size 20})
(:background-color (get-styles @foo))
(get-styles @foo)
(get-style @foo :padding)
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