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Last active December 1, 2019 01:26
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A trade is defined as a string containing the 4 properties given below separated by commas:
- Symbol (4 alphabetical characters, left-padded by spaces)
- Side (either "B" or "S" for buy or sell)
- Quantity (4 digits, left-padded by zeros)
- ID (6 alphanumeric characters)
e.g. "AAPL,B,0100,ABC123" represents a trade of a buy of 100 shares of AAPL with ID "ABC123"
Given two lists of trades - called "house" and "street" trades, write code to create groups
of matches between trades and return a list of unmatched house and street trades sorted
alphabetically. Without any matching, the output list would contain all elements of both house
and street trades. There are many ways to match trades, the first and most important way is an
exact match:
An exact match is a pair of trades containing exactly one house trade and exactly one street
trade with identical symbol, side, quantity, and ID
NOTE: Trades are distinct but not unique
house_trades: ["AAPL,B,0100,ABC123", "AAPL,B,0100,ABC123", "GOOG,S,0050,CDC333"]
street_trades:["FB,B,0100,GBGGGG", "AAPL,B,0100,ABC123"]
Because the first (or second) house trade and second street trade form an exact match, leaving
behind three unmatched trades.
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
def get_unmatched(house_trades, street_trades):
house = Counter(house_trades)
unmatched_house = []
unmatched_street = []
for st in street_trades:
house[st] -= 1
for trade in house:
# == 0 means everything matched
unmatched = [trade]*abs(house[trade])
if house[trade] > 0: #unmatched house
elif house[trade] < 0: #unmatched street
house = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
street = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for ht in unmatched_house:
sym, side, qty, tid = ht
house[sym,side,qty][tid] += 1
for st in unmatched_street:
sym, side, qty, tid = st
street[sym,side,qty][tid] += 1
for attr in house:
for tid in house[attr]:
count = min(house[attr][tid], street[attr][tid])
house[attr][tid] -= count
street[attr][tid] -= count
unmatched_house = []
unmatched_street = []
for attr in house:
for tid in house[attr]:
if house[attr][tid]:
trade = '{},{}'.format(''.join(attr),tid)
for attr in street:
for tid in street[attr]:
if street[attr][tid]:
trade = '{},{}'.format(''.join(attr),tid)
BUY, SELL = 'buy', 'sell'
house = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict({BUY: defaultdict(int),SELL: defaultdict(int)}))
street = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict({BUY: defaultdict(int),SELL: defaultdict(int)}))
for ht in unmatched_house:
sym, side, qty, tid = ht
house[sym,qty][side][tid] += 1
for st in unmatched_street:
sym, side, qty, tid = st
street[sym,qty][side][tid] += 1
for offset in unmatched_house:
for tid in unmatched_house[offset][BUY]:
count = min(unmatched_house[offset][BUY][tid], unmatched_house[offset][SELL][tid])
unmatched_house[offset][BUY][tid] -= count
unmatched_house[offset][SELL][tid] -= count
for offset in unmatched_street:
for tid in unmatched_street[offset][BUY]:
count = min(unmatched_street[offset][BUY][tid], unmatched_street[offset][SELL][tid])
unmatched_street[offset][BUY][tid] -= count
unmatched_street[offset][SELL][tid] -= count
unmatched_house = []
unmatched_street = []
for offset in unmatched_house:
for side in unmatched_house[offset]:
for tid in unmatched_house[offset][side]:
if unmatched_house[offset][side][tid]:
sym, qty = offset
trade = '{},{},{},{}'.format(sym,side,qty,tid)
for offset in unmatched_street:
for side in unmatched_street[offset]:
for tid in unmatched_street[offset][side]:
if unmatched_street[offset][side][tid]:
sym, qty = offset
trade = '{},{},{},{}'.format(sym,side,qty,tid)
return unmatched_house+unmatched_street
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