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Created January 4, 2016 07:02
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Pinky Pie Bubble Bellie funnel (initial double taper version)
bowl = 25;
bowl_r = 20;
stem = 30;
stem_r = 2;
neck_r = 5;
thickness = 1.5;
curve_r = 10;
$fa = 5;
$fs = 0.1;
eps = 0.01;
module profile() {
hull() {
translate([stem_r, 0])
square([thickness, eps]);
translate([neck_r + curve_r, stem])
circle(r = curve_r);
translate([bowl_r, stem + bowl - eps])
square([thickness, eps]);
difference() {
difference() {
translate([thickness, 0])
translate([-0.65,0,-.02]) {
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