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Created October 17, 2016 09:21
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  • Save jhjensen2/45d1702a0039ba18d2369577bb074ffb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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!GAMESS input file for DFTB3/SMD optimization
$contrl runtyp=optimize icharg=1 nprint=-5 nzvar=1 $end
$system mwords=20 $end
$zmat dlc=.t. auto=.t. $end
$scf npunch=0 $end
$statpt nstep=200 opttol=0.0005 $end
$pcm solvnt=water smd=.t. $end
$system modio=31 $end
$basis gbasis=dftb $end
$dftb ndftb=3 dampxh=.t. dampex=4.0 $end
C 6.0 -1.8063000000 -1.2924000000 -0.0445000000
C 6.0 -1.0780000000 -0.2254000000 0.7506000000
N 7.0 -0.2377000000 0.6550000000 -0.1511000000
C 6.0 0.2631000000 1.8719000000 0.5865000000
C 6.0 0.8545000000 -0.0410000000 -0.9379000000
C 6.0 1.8742000000 -0.7334000000 -0.0533000000
H 1.0 -2.5075000000 -1.8263000000 0.6051000000
H 1.0 -2.3775000000 -0.8550000000 -0.8696000000
H 1.0 -1.1151000000 -2.0341000000 -0.4553000000
H 1.0 -0.4290000000 -0.6539000000 1.5200000000
H 1.0 -1.8108000000 0.4301000000 1.2341000000
H 1.0 -0.8844000000 1.0236000000 -0.8618000000
H 1.0 0.8360000000 2.4862000000 -0.1130000000
H 1.0 0.8805000000 1.5476000000 1.4275000000
H 1.0 -0.6071000000 2.4313000000 0.9406000000
H 1.0 1.3342000000 0.7244000000 -1.5579000000
H 1.0 0.3685000000 -0.7516000000 -1.6131000000
H 1.0 2.6558000000 -1.1818000000 -0.6757000000
H 1.0 1.4244000000 -1.5399000000 0.5326000000
H 1.0 2.3623000000 -0.0355000000 0.6327000000
$dftb hubder(1)=-0.1492,-0.1535,-0.1857, $END
C C "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/C-C.skf"
C N "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/C-N.skf"
C H "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/C-H.skf"
N C "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/N-C.skf"
N N "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/N-N.skf"
N H "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/N-H.skf"
H C "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/H-C.skf"
H N "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/H-N.skf"
H H "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/H-H.skf"
#reads GAMESS input file and appends hubder parameters and $DFTBSK group
import sys
hub = {
"Br": -0.0573,
"C": -0.1492,
"Ca": -0.0340,
"Cl": -0.0697,
"F": -0.1623,
"H": -0.1857,
"I": -0.0433,
"K": -0.0339,
"Mg": -0.02,
"N": -0.1535,
"Na": -0.0454,
"O": -0.1575,
"P": -0.14,
"S": -0.11,
"Zn": -0.03 }
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
isav = 10000
read = "off"
atoms = []
searchlines = open(filename,'r').readlines()
for i,line in enumerate(searchlines):
words = line.split() # split line into words
if len(words) < 1:
if "$DATA" in line:
isav = i + 2
if i > isav:
if words[0] not in atoms and words[0] != "$END":
if words[0] == "$END":
line = " $dftb hubder(1)="
for atom in atoms:
line = line+str(hub[atom])+","
line = line + " $END\n"
out = open(filename,"a")
out.write(" $dftbsk\n")
dir = '"/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/'
for atom1 in atoms:
for atom2 in atoms:
line = atom1+" "+atom2+" "+dir+atom1+"-"+atom2+'.skf"\n'
#C C "/home/andersx/dftb/3ob-3-1/C-C.skf"
out.write(" $end")
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