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Created August 7, 2016 13:35
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#conformer search with RDKIT
import sys
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
m = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles('CCCO')) #creates molecule from smiles and adds H's
AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(m,20) #makes 20 3D conformations
_=AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMoleculeConfs(m,maxIters=1000) #MMFF geometry optimization
i = 0
for conf in m.GetConformers():
tm = Chem.Mol(m,False,conf.GetId())
prop = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(tm, mmffVariant="MMFF94") #don't know
ff =AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(tm,prop) #defines FF
print i,ff.CalcEnergy() #calculates and prints energy in kcal/mol
file = "out"+str(i)+".sdf"
writer = Chem.SDWriter(file) #writes sdf file for each confomer
i += 1
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