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Last active February 24, 2016 02:36
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Save jhjin/07c164d2e553608fbb55 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script to create a dataset for imagenet-multiGPU.torch training script
local dir = require('pl.dir')
local path = require('pl.path')
local opt = lapp([[
Required parameters
--src (default '.') path for source image root directory
--dst (default '.') path for destination image root directory
(Optional) parameters
--dim (default 256) output image size
--ratio (default 0.1) training/validation set split ratio [0 0.5]
--inner_crop (default true) region of crop (inner or outer square box)
--offset (default 0) offset for image boundary when outer_crop used
--training_dir (default 'train') output directory name for training set
--validation_dir (default 'val') output directory name for validation set
local function has_image_extensions(filename)
-- grab file extension
local ext = string.lower(path.extension(filename))
-- compare with list of image extensions
local img_extensions = {'.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.ppm', '.pgm'}
for i = 1, #img_extensions do
if ext == img_extensions[i] then
return true
return false
local function resize_image(dst, src, dim, inner_crop, offset)
local crop_mode = (inner_crop and ('^'..dim)) or tostring(dim)
local outer_crop = not inner_crop
-- load and rescale image from src
local x = image.load(src)
x = image.scale(x, crop_mode)
-- consider 2-dim image
x = ((x:dim() == 2) and x:view(1, x:size(1), x:size(2))) or x
-- consider greyscale image
x = ((x:size(1) == 1) and x:repeatTensor(3,1,1)) or x
-- consider RGBA image
x = ((x:size(1) > 3) and x[{{1,3},{},{}}]) or x
-- calculate coordinate for crop (left top of box)
local lbox = math.floor(math.abs(x:size(3) - dim)/2 + 1)
local tbox = math.floor(math.abs(x:size(2) - dim)/2 + 1)
-- copy paste to y depending on crop_mode
local y
if inner_crop then
y = x[{{},{tbox,tbox+dim-1},{lbox,lbox+dim-1}}]
elseif outer_crop then
y = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resize(3, dim, dim):fill(offset)
-- save image to dst path, y)
local function create_dataset(arg)
local arg = arg or {}
-- arguments for image src and dst (they must be different)
local dst_root = arg.dst or '.'
local src_root = arg.src or '.'
assert(dst_root ~= src_root, 'No overwrite allowed (src/dst paths are the same')
-- argument for image output dimensions
local dim = arg.dim or 256
-- arguments for train/val set split (name and ratio)
local ratio = math.min(math.max(arg.ratio, 0), 0.5) or 0
local training_dir = arg.training_dir or 'train'
local validation_dir = arg.validation_dir or 'val'
-- arguments for crop style (inner_crop or outer_crop)
local inner_crop = arg.inner_crop or true
local offset = arg.offset or 0
print('==> parameters for dataset creation')
-- create dst root directory
-- count #directories to search
local cmd = "find "..src_root.." -name '*.JPG' -o -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' -o -name '*.PNG' -o -name '*.JPEG' -o -name '*.jpeg' | wc -l"
local total_imgs = tonumber(io.popen(cmd):read())
-- flatten all (sub) directories and traverse one-by-one
print('==> processing in progress')
local src_path, dst_path
local nb_image_processed = {train = 0, val = 0}
for loc, dirs, files in dir.walk(src_root, false, false) do
-- (1) get src/dst path
if src_path == nil then
src_path = loc -- remember base path (src root)
dst_path = '' -- consider exception at src_root
dst_path = string.sub(loc, string.len(src_path)+2)
-- (2) remove non-images from file list
for i = #files, 1, -1 do
if not has_image_extensions(files[i]) then
table.remove(files, i)
-- (3) create dst directories (train/val)
if #files > 0 then -- create train directory only if output exists
dir.makepath(path.join(dst_root, training_dir, dst_path))
if (ratio > 0) and (#files > 0) then
dir.makepath(path.join(dst_root, validation_dir, dst_path))
-- (4) resize img and split into train/val sets
local shuffle = (#files > 0) and torch.randperm(#files) -- idx for split
local corrupted = {}
for i = 1, #files do
-- train/val directory selector based on shuffled index
local mode = ((i <= ratio*#files) and validation_dir) or training_dir
-- specify each src/dst of images and resize
local src = path.join(loc, files[ shuffle[i] ])
local dst = path.join(dst_root, mode, dst_path, path.basename(files[ shuffle[i] ]))
s = pcall(function() resize_image(dst, src, dim, inner_crop, offset) end)
if not s then table.insert(corrupted, src) end
nb_image_processed[mode] = nb_image_processed[mode] + 1
xlua.progress(nb_image_processed[training_dir]+nb_image_processed[validation_dir], total_imgs)
if (i % 10 == 0) then
if #corrupted > 0 then
print('There are ' .. #corrupted .. ' corrupted images\n')
for _, c in ipairs(corrupted) do print(c) end
-- (5) force to have at least one sample in validation set (produce duplicated sample)
if (#files > 0) and (ratio*#files < 1) and (ratio > 0) then
local mode = validation_dir
local file_idx = math.random(#files)
local src = path.join(loc, files[file_idx])
local dst = path.join(dst_root, mode, dst_path, path.basename(files[file_idx]))
resize_image(dst, src, dim, inner_crop, offset)
if not s then print(src .. ' has not been added as extra image to ' .. dst) end
nb_image_processed[mode] = nb_image_processed[mode] + 1
-- jump to next directory
return nb_image_processed
local cnt = create_dataset(opt)
print('==> processed images')
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