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Created April 11, 2019 17:29
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Fluid Property
@mixin fluid_property($properties, $sizes, $include-default: true) {
$counter: 1;
$has-default: false;
$breakpoints-keys: map-keys($breakpoints);
@each $current-size in $sizes {
$continue: false;
$next-size: n;
@if (length($sizes) == $counter + 1) {
$continue: true;
@if (length($sizes) != $counter) {
$next-size: nth($sizes, $counter + 1);
$current-breakpoint: map-get($breakpoints, nth($breakpoints-keys, $counter));
@if (1 == $counter) {
$current-breakpoint: 375px;
@if (n != $current-size and n != $next-size) {
$next-breakpoint: map_get($breakpoints, nth($breakpoints-keys, $counter + 1));
@if (false == $has-default and true == $include-default) {
@each $property in $properties {
#{$property}: scut-em($current-size);
$has-default: true;
@include between_with_media_queries($properties, $current-size * 1px, $next-size * 1px, $current-breakpoint, $next-breakpoint, $continue);
$counter: $counter + 1;
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jhned commented Apr 11, 2019

Usage is like this:

// Will transition a property from one breakpoint to another, as defined in your breakpoints setting.
// Will start at font-size: 30px at 375px, and 65px at the medium breakpoint.
@include fluid_property((font-size), (30, 65));

// Will start at max-width: 350px at the large breakpoint, and end up as max-width: 480px at xlarge.
// "False" means it won't include the default setting (line 28-33).
@include fluid_property(max-width, (n, n, 350, 480), false);

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