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Last active April 27, 2020 17:46
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Generate Schema from Spreadsheet
// Runs when the spreadsheet is open.
function onOpen() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
// Add a menu item, a button and a callback function.
const menuItems = [
{name: 'Generate JSON', functionName: 'generateSchemaJSON_'}
spreadsheet.addMenu('SCHEMA', menuItems);
// Opens a script tag for a JSON-LD block. The HTML entities are used so that the script is readable instead of executed when it's printed out.
function openTag(output) {
return output += '<script type="application/ld+json">\n';
// When closing, we take the JSON value and add it in. JSON and Output are kept separate for the most part so that we can debug JSON on its own.
function closeTag(jsonString, output) {
return output += cleanData(jsonString + '}') + '\n</script>\n';
// JSON does NOT like trailing commas, so we clean them out here.
// I also had a parse JSON check here, but something wasn't work, so I've yanked it for now.
function cleanData(jsonString) {
let regex = /\,(?!\s*?[\{\[\"\'\w])/g;
let correct = jsonString.replace(regex, ''); // remove all trailing commas
return correct; // build a new JSON object based on correct string
// Runs when somebody clicks "Generate JSON"
function generateSchemaJSON_() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
const rows = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // This gets all the data from the spreadsheet in a multidimensional array.
let output = openTag(''); // Start the open tag.
let jsonString = '{\n\t"@context": "",\n'; // Start the first JSON block.
let openID = false;
let openObject = false;
// Loop through the spreadsheet one row at a time.
for (r = 1; r < rows.length; ++r) {
// Variable setup
const sId = rows[r][2];
const sType = rows[r][3];
const sProperty = rows[r][4];
const sValue = rows[r][5];
// Column 2: ID
if ('' !== sId) {
if (true === openID) { // If the ID exists, but there's already an open ID, we need to close the tag.
output = closeTag(jsonString, output);
output = openTag(output);
jsonString = '{\n\t"@context": "",\n'; // Reset the jsonString since we're starting over.
jsonString += '\t"@id": "' + sId + '",\n'; // Add the ID in to the JSON.
openID = true; // The openID variable really just exists for the first ID, so we don't close the first block before putting anything in.
// Column 3: Type
if ('' !== sType) {
if (true === openObject) {
jsonString += '\t'; // Just for formatting, add another tab if there's an open object.
jsonString += '\t"@type": "' + sType + '",\n';
// Column 4 & 5: Property and Value
// If value has a "#" in it, then it references an ID on the next row.
if ('' !== sValue && 0 === sValue.indexOf('#')) {
jsonString += '\t"' + sProperty + '": {\n\t\t"@id": "' + sValue + '"\n\t},\n';
continue; // Skip any other cases for property and value.
// If property is present but value isn't, then we're setting up a new object in the next row.
// Need to close this object later on.
// TODO: unclear what this refers to. Add example.
if ('' !== sProperty && '' === sValue) {
jsonString += '\t"' + sProperty + '": {\n';
openObject = true;
// If both name and value are present, then add them as they are.
if ('' !== sProperty && '' !== sValue) {
if (true === openObject) {
jsonString += '\t';
// TODO: update this for any array values.
if ('sameAs' === sProperty) {
var items = sValue.split(',');
jsonString += '\t"' + sProperty + '": [';
for (i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
if (0 === i) {
jsonString += '\n';
jsonString += '\t\t"' + items[i] + '"';
if (i !== items.length - 1) {
jsonString += ',';
jsonString += '\n';
jsonString += '\t],\n';
} else {
jsonString += '\t"' + sProperty + '": "' + sValue + '"';
if ('' !== rows[r + 1][5]) { // Look at the next row down in order to see if we need a comma.
jsonString += ',';
jsonString += '\n';
if (true === openObject) {
output += '\t}\n';
openObject = false;
output = closeTag(jsonString, output);
output = '<code style="white-space:pre;">' + output + '</code>';
// Use the HtmlService class to add the output.
var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output).setWidth(600).setHeight(800);
// Output the modal dialog.
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Generated Schema');
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