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Last active June 20, 2017 17:09
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EUPS distrib binary "tarball" products

The EUPS distrib facility (eups distrib ...) has support for packaging and publishing binary builds in a package format called "tarballs". Unlike the "eupspkg" (source) package format that was the sole DM published product format, "tarballs" are inherently tied to the microarchitecture and ABI of a platform. As there are currently multiple supported "stack" build platforms, a means of coordinating multiple independent binary builds from identical sources is needed both to ensure consistency of product versions across platforms and to enable the ability to reproduce a past binary release.

The present scheme for orchestrating multiple platforms is to first publish/tag a set of "eupspkg"s from a canonical lsstsw based build env. This product/tag tuple is then used to initiate per platform builds via EUPS distrib. As the EUPS scm version+build version strings are preserved, product versions will be consistent across multiple build envs regardless of any pre-exiting EUPS product state. All platforms publish their build products to a local "tarballs" repository, which is then merged into a remote directory structure hosted in an S3 bucket. The S3 bucket serves dual purposes as both a workspace in which to merge multiple platform builds and as a highly reliable archiving mechanism. Products are made available by periodically syncing the S3 bucket to a production webserver which supports the "Apache" HTML directory indexing format expected by EUPS distrib.

Binary "tarball" target platforms

These are the initial build platforms for binary EUPS products.

  • el6 / devtoolset-3
  • el7 / system gcc
  • osx 10.9 / xcode clang-800.0.42.1

Note that the OSX build is being made on 10.11 (el capitan) with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9.

OSX 11.11+ "SIP" complications

Due the unique behavior of /usr/bin/env under osx when "SIP" is enabled, the shebangs of any installed python scripts need to be updated to the fully qualified path of the desired python interpreter. The present scheme for handling this is for the end user to manually invoke a post "tarballs" install script to mangle the shebang paths.

New EUPS distrib repo directory structure

A new, opinionated, directory structure heuristic is being developed with the intent of allowing tarball and source (eupspkg) products to be configured by only specifying a "base url" to the script.

The current directory is:

  • binary products -- <base url>/<os family>/<platform>/<compiler>/<miniconda py[23]>-<minconda version>-<lsstsw abbrev-ref>
  • source products -- <base url>/src


<base url>/osx/<MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET>/<compiler>/<miniconda py[23]>-<minconda version>-<lsstsw abbrev-ref>

<base url>/osx/10.9/clang-800.0.42.1/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67

<base url>/redhat/el6/devtoolset-3/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67

Such that if the base URL given is on a EL7 Linux system configured for python 3, the EUPS_PKGROOT would be automatically constructed as:|

This would result in source products being used if a binary package is unavailable and published EUPS tags being merged from both binary and source repos.

Unresolved issues

  • EUPS re-downloads all distrib tags on each invocation which adds considerably to the wall-clock time when installing a small number of products.

  • Bit-for-bit binary packages are not currently produced by EUPS distrib when creating a tarball of an already built/installed product due to timestamps in both the tar and gzip formats. The -n flag to gzip will disable timestamps. GNU tar supports a --mtime flag that allows the mtime value to be forced to a value but there does not appear to be an equivalent with the BSD tar variant shipped with OSX.

  • The tarball repo directory structure is different from eupspkg and most files are dropped under the root of the repo rather that being organized into files.

  • eups tags / eups distrib list does not appear to have a means of listing tags available only for binary products. Eg.

$ eups distrib list -f `eups flavor` lsst_distrib
Available products from primary server:
  lsst_distrib         DarwinX86  13.0
  lsst_distrib         DarwinX86  13.0-2-g14ce290
  lsst_distrib         DarwinX86  13.0-2-g14ce290+1
  • The current mechanism for building/publishing eupspkgs only requires that the build passes on el7 (the de facto reference platform). It would be more desirable for build issues to be caught before getting to the binary tarball construction phase.

  • There is presently no exposed mechanism to disable unit tests -- this would great accelerate binary product build times (which has been a pain-point during testing).

  • Binary products are essentially being published independently on a per platform basis. Is is likely desirable to do some sort of staging so that publishing is all or nothing across all platforms.

  • The S3 -> www server sync is incremental (per file) which results in their being a time window in which not all files for a published platform are available. It also means there is a lag between when a binary publish finishes and when those products may be used by a downstream process. Eg., constructing docker containers from the newly published "tarballs".

  • Relieving an osx 11.12 end-user from having to manually run a script to fix shebang paths. Perhaps an EUPS product post-install script hook?

Finding an EUPS distrib tag for tarball products

Go to the EUPS tarball path, Eg:

and look for files that end with ".list".

The present published tags are:

  • lsst_distrib / w_2017_15

Simple Demo

export EUPS_PKGROOT_BASE_URL= # default
export LSST_PYTHON_VERSION=3 # unset for py2

curl -sSL | bash -s -- -cbt
. ./loadLSST.bash
eups distrib install lsst_distrib -t w_2017_15 -vvv

# OSX with SIP enabled needs shebangs updated to point to the desired python
# interpreter. This prototype script requires that EUPS be setup in the
# environment
curl -sSL | python

# run the demo
curl -sSL | bash -s -- --small --tag w_2017_15
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