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Last active September 10, 2019 22:35
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/etc/foreman/* & /etc/foreman/plugins/foreman-tasks.yaml
### File managed with puppet ###
## Module: 'foreman'
# Database is managed by foreman::database::postgresql
adapter: postgresql
database: foreman
username: foreman
password: "XXX"
pool: 5
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Your encryption key for encrypting and decrypting database fields.
# If you change this key, all encrypted data will NOT be able to be decrypted by Foreman!
# Make sure the key is at least 32 bytes such as SecureRandom.hex(20)
# You can use `rake security:generate_encryption_key` to regenerate this file.
module EncryptionKey
# Configuration file for foreman-debug utility
# Directory to place the tarball in (string)
# Skip generic info (0 or 1)
# Do not create tarballs (0 or 1)
# Maximum size for output files in bytes (integer)
#MAXSIZE=10485760 # 10 MB
# Compress program to pipe the tarball through (string)
# Print passwords which are filtered out on stdout (0 or 1)
# Quiet mode (0 or 1)
# Verbose mode (0 or 1)
# Debug mode (0 or 1)
# Upload tarball after each run (0 or 1)
# Permanently disable upload feature (0 or 1)
# URL of the upload location (string)
# The full upload command in strict quotes (string)
# Additional help message for when uploads are not disabled (UPLOAD_DISABLED=0) (multi line string)
#Add your custom message here."
# Message displayed at the end if neither UPLOAD nor UPLOAD_DISABLED is set (multi line string)
#Add your custom message here."
# Message when an upload was successfull (multi line string)
# note: will be appended with "$(basename ${TARBALL})\n"
#Add your custom message here."
# Message when an upload was not successfull (multi line string)
#Add your custom message here."
# Tokens that are fileted out (shell array)
#FILTER_WORDS=(pass password token key)
# Logging configuration can be changed by uncommenting the loggers
# section and the logger configuration desired.
# :loggers:
# :dynflow:
# :enabled: true
# :action:
# :enabled: true
# Task backup configuration can be changed by altering the values in
# the backup section
# Whether to back up tasks when they are removed
:backup_deleted_tasks: true
# Where to put the tasks which were backed up
:backup_dir: /var/lib/foreman/tasks-backup
# Cleaning configuration: how long should the actions be kept before deleted
# by `rake foreman_tasks:clean` task
# the period after which to delete all the tasks (by default all tasks are not being deleted after some period)
# will be deprecated in Foreman 1.18 and the use of rules is recommended.
# :after: 30d
# per action settings to override the default defined in the actions (self.cleanup_after method)
# :actions:
# - :name: Actions::Foreman::Host::ImportFacts
# :after: 10d
# Rules defined in this section by default don't operate
# on tasks specified in the actions section. This behavior
# can be overriden by setting the override_actions to true
# Delete successful tasks after a month
- :filter: result = success
:after: 30d
# Delete everything (any action, any state) after one year
- :states: all # Either list of state names or all
:after: 1y
:override_actions: true
[jhoblitt@comcam-fp01 ~]$ ls -lr /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/cache/
total 376
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 54272 Sep 6 2018 sexp_processor-4.10.0.gem
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 135680 Sep 7 2018 rabl-0.13.1.gem
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 104960 Sep 7 2018 locale-2.0.9.gem
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10240 Sep 6 2018 formatador-0.2.1.gem
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 24576 Sep 6 2018 daemons-1.2.3.gem
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 45056 Sep 6 2018 awesome_print-1.8.0.gem
### File managed with puppet ###
## Module: 'foreman'
:unattended: true
:require_ssl: true
:puppetrun: true
# The following values are used for providing default settings during db migrate
:oauth_active: true
:oauth_map_users: false
:oauth_consumer_key: XXX
:oauth_consumer_secret: XXX
# Websockets
:websockets_encrypt: true
:websockets_ssl_key: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/comcam-fp01.test.pem
:websockets_ssl_cert: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/comcam-fp01.test.pem
# SSL-settings
:ssl_certificate: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/comcam-fp01.test.pem
:ssl_ca_file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
:ssl_priv_key: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/comcam-fp01.test.pem
# HSTS setting
:hsts_enabled: true
# Log settings for the current environment can be adjusted by adding them
# here. For example, if you want to increase the log level.
:level: info
:type: file
:layout: pattern
# Individual logging types can be toggled on/off here
# Foreman telemetry has three destinations: prometheus, statsd and rails log.
# prefix for all metrics
:prefix: 'fm_rails'
# prometheus endpoint is at /metrics
# warning: ruby client library currently does not supprt multi-process web servers
:enabled: false
# works with statsd_exporter too, use the rake task to generate config
:enabled: false
# IP and port (do not use DNS)
:host: ''
# one of 'statsd', 'statsite' or 'datadog'
:protocol: 'statsd'
# Rails logs end up in logger named 'telemetry' when enabled
:enabled: false
# logging level as in Logger::LEVEL
:level: 'DEBUG'
:pool_size: 1
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