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Last active June 4, 2017 19:38
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Save jhochwald/0cd2f066d83b2f7ceda63eae5b9528c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting, install, or update DSC Resources I want to have. It could be used to install every Module from the Gallery. However, this is something I do with DSC afterwards!
#requires -Modules PowerShellGet
#requires -Version 2.0
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
Install some DSC Resources
Getting, install, or update DSC Resources I want to have.
It could be used to install every Module from the Gallery.
However, this is something I do with DSC afterwards!
PS C:\> .\invoke-GetDSCResources.ps1
PS C:\> .\invoke-GetDSCResources.ps1 -verbose
VERBOSE: Populating RepositorySourceLocation property for module PSDscResources.
VERBOSE: Try to update PSDscResources
VERBOSE: Updated PSDscResources
Small script I created for myself.
I have to prepare DSC systems from time to time, and I want to have the same set of DSC resources on all of them.
Mainly because I'm lazy, but I'm an old-school Unix guy: Never type something more than two times: AUTOMATE.
I install the resources system wide!
That is why we have the Elevated Shell requirement (#Requires -RunAsAdministrator).
If you want to use it just for the current user, change the Scope in $paramInstallModule from 'AllUsers' to 'CurrentUser'.
TODO: Pester Test is missing
DONE: Make it more robust
Disclaimer: The code is provided 'as is,' with all possible faults, defects or errors, and without warranty of any kind.
Author: Joerg Hochwald
param ()
# Define some defaults
$STP = 'Stop'
$SC = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Suppressing the PowerShell Progress Bar
$script:ProgressPreference = $SC
# Create a list of the DSC Resources I want
$NewDSCModules = @(
foreach ($NewDSCModule in $NewDSCModules)
# Cleanup
$ModuleIsAvailable = $null
# Check: Do I have the resource?
$paramGetModule = @{
ListAvailable = $true
Name = $NewDSCModule
ErrorAction = $SC
WarningAction = $SC
$ModuleIsAvailable = (Get-Module @paramGetModule)
if (-not ($ModuleIsAvailable))
# Nope: Install the resource
Write-Verbose -Message "Try to install $NewDSCModule"
$paramInstallModule = @{
Name = $NewDSCModule
Scope = AllUsers
Force = $true
ErrorAction = $STP
WarningAction = $SC
$null = (Install-Module @paramInstallModule)
Write-Verbose -Message "Installed $NewDSCModule"
# Whoopsie
$paramWriteWarning = @{
Message = "Sorry, unable to install $NewDSCModule"
ErrorAction = $SC
Write-Warning @paramWriteWarning
Write-Verbose -Message "Try to update $NewDSCModule"
# TODO: Implement the check from invoke-ModuleUpdates.ps1 to prevent the unneeded update tries.
$paramUpdateModule = @{
Name = $NewDSCModule
Confirm = $false
ErrorAction = $STP
WarningAction = $SC
$null = (Update-Module @paramUpdateModule)
Write-Verbose -Message "Updated $NewDSCModule"
# Whoopsie
$paramWriteWarning = @{
Message = "Sorry, unable to update $NewDSCModule"
ErrorAction = $SC
Write-Warning @paramWriteWarning
# No longer suppressing the PowerShell Progress Bar
$script:ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
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