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Get German Holidays via API and export them to CSV for Skype for Business (Online). We use the German service to fetch the list, that is a great wrapper for the German Holidays published on Wikipedia.
Get German Holidays via API and export them to CSV for Skype for Business (Online).
Get German Holidays via API and export them to CSV for Skype for Business (Online).
We use the German service to fetch the list, that is a great wrapper for the German Holidays published on Wikipedia.
The german state
The Year to get and export from the API
Default is a acctual year (2019 while writing this)
.PARAMETER appendyear
Append the Year to the Holliday string?
The Default is YES
Specifies the path to the CSV file to export.
Default is Holidays.csv in your User Profile Home.
Get German Holidays via API and export them to CSV for Skype for Business (Online). We use all the defaults!
.\Convert-HolidayFromApiToCsAutoAttendantHolidays.ps1 -State 'BY' -Year 2019 -path 'C:\Imports\Holidays.csv'
$bytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('C:\Imports\Holidays.csv')
Import-CsAutoAttendantHolidays -Identity 6283d913-8093-4951-8f46-c5912972002b -Input $bytes
Get German Holidays via API and export them to 'C:\Imports\Holidays.csv'. We then convert it into Bytes (how Skype for Business likes it) and import them into Skype for Business.
The Holiday break will begin at 5pm the day before the actual Holiday and will end the following day at 9am.
Please check if this match with your workflow and requirements!!!
Only German Holidays are supported by the script and the API
Only Skype for Business Online is tested! I use it with a native Microsoft Teams environment, but you need to use the Skype for Business Online PowerShell Module to import it.
If you like this, please support the project with a donation!
I switched from to with the latest version. The output was a bit better on the other API, but this API seems to be actively maintained.
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
[ValidateSet('BW', 'BY', 'BE', 'BB', 'HB', 'HH', 'HE', 'MV', 'NI', 'NW', 'RP', 'SL', 'SN', 'ST', 'SH', 'TH','Baden-Württemberg', 'Baden-Wuerttemberg', 'Baden Württemberg', 'Baden Wuerttemberg','Bayern','Berlin','Brandenburg','Bremen','Hamburg','Hessen','Mecklenburg-Vorpommern','Mecklenburg Vorpommern','Niedersachsen','Nordrhein Westfalen','Nordrhein-Westfalen','Rheinland-Pfalz','Rheinland Pfalz','Saarland','Sachsen','Rheinland PfalzSachen-Anhalt','Schleswig-Holstein','Schleswig Holstein','Thüringen','Thueringen', IgnoreCase = $true)]
$State = 'HE',
$Year = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy'),
$appendyear = $true,
[Alias('Export', 'ExportCSV', 'CsvFile')]
$Path = "$env:USERPROFILE\Holidays.csv"
#region Checks
if (-not $State)
$State = 'HE'
if (-not $Year)
$Year = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy')
if (-not $Path)
$Path = "$env:USERPROFILE\Holidays.csv"
#endregion Checks
#region StateHandler
# More fuzzy state support
switch ($State)
$State = 'BW'
$State = 'BW'
'Baden Württemberg'
$State = 'BW'
'Baden Wuerttemberg'
$State = 'BW'
$State = 'BY'
$State = 'BE'
$State = 'BB'
$State = 'HB'
$State = 'HH'
$State = 'HE'
$State = 'MV'
'Mecklenburg Vorpommern'
$State = 'MV'
$State = 'NI'
$State = 'NW'
'Nordrhein Westfalen'
$State = 'NW'
$State = 'RP'
'Rheinland Pfalz'
$State = 'RP'
$State = 'SL'
$State = 'SN'
$State = 'ST'
'Sachen Anhalt'
$State = 'ST'
$State = 'SH'
'Schleswig Holstein'
$State = 'SH'
$State = 'TH'
$State = 'TH'
# Good luck ;-)
$State = $State.ToUpper()
#endregion StateHandler
# Create a new Object for the CSV
$CsvDataObject = @()
# Build the URI
$FeiertagApiObjectUri = ('' + $Year + '&nur_land=' + ($State.ToUpper()))
# Splat the Parameters (Change the UserAgent if you want)
$paramInvokeRestMethod = @{
Method = 'Get'
Uri = $FeiertagApiObjectUri
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
WarningAction = 'Continue'
UserAgent = 'enaTecParser/1.0 (+'
# Use the API to get the List
$FeiertagApiObject = (Invoke-RestMethod @paramInvokeRestMethod)
#region ErrorHandler
# get error record
[Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$e = $_
# retrieve information about runtime error
$info = [PSCustomObject]@{
Exception = $e.Exception.Message
Reason = $e.CategoryInfo.Reason
Target = $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName
Script = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
Line = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
Column = $e.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine
$info | Out-String | Write-Verbose
Write-Error -Message ($info.Exception) -ErrorAction Stop
# Only here to catch a global ErrorAction overwrite
exit 1
#endregion ErrorHandler
foreach ($SingleFeiertagApiObject in $FeiertagApiObject.PsObject.Properties)
# Create a new Object
$MemberObject = (New-Object -TypeName PSObject)
# Fill in the Values from the API Call
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Name -NotePropertyValue $(if ($appendyear)
($SingleFeiertagApiObject.Name) + ' 2019'
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime1 -NotePropertyValue ((Get-Date -Date $SingleFeiertagApiObject.Value.datum).AddDays(-1).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy') + ' 17:00')
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime1 -NotePropertyValue ((Get-Date -Date $SingleFeiertagApiObject.Value.datum).AddDays(+1).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy') + ' 09:00')
# Add some useless rows to match the CSV object
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime2 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime2 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime3 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime3 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime4 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime4 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime5 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime5 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime6 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime6 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime7 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime7 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime8 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime8 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime9 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime9 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StartDateTime10 -NotePropertyValue $null
$MemberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName EndDateTime10 -NotePropertyValue $null
# Add to the CSV object
$CsvDataObject += $MemberObject
# Cleanup
$MemberObject = $null
# Create the CSV Object (We remove the Quotes to make it a perfect fit) and save it
$paramSetContent = @{
Value = ($CsvDataObject | ConvertTo-Csv -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation | ForEach-Object {
$_.Replace('"', '')
Path = $Path
Force = $true
Confirm = $false
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
$null = (Set-Content @paramSetContent)
#region ErrorHandler
# get error record
[Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$e = $_
# retrieve information about runtime error
$info = [PSCustomObject]@{
Exception = $e.Exception.Message
Reason = $e.CategoryInfo.Reason
Target = $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName
Script = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
Line = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
Column = $e.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine
$info | Out-String | Write-Verbose
Write-Error -Message ($info.Exception) -ErrorAction Stop
# Only here to catch a global ErrorAction overwrite
exit 1
#endregion ErrorHandler
Write-verbose -Message ((Get-Content -Path $Path).ToString())
#region Cleanup
$State = $null
$Year = $null
$appendyear = $null
$Path = $null
$CsvDataObject = $null
$FeiertagApiObjectUri = $null
$paramInvokeRestMethod = $null
$FeiertagApiObject = $null
$info = $null
$MemberObject = $null
$paramSetContent = $null
#endregion Cleanup
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