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Last active September 13, 2018 00:40
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Fetches the Dash Central budget API and monkey-patches the errors
import requests
import json
import os
import sys
import time
import datetime
import functools
def get_dc_data():
dc_url = ""
budget_data = requests.get(dc_url)
if budget_data.status_code == 200:
proposals_dict = budget_data.json()
print("No connection to Dash Central. Exiting...")
return proposals_dict
def get_valid_list():
insight_url = ""
valid_response = requests.get(insight_url)
if valid_response.status_code == 200:
valid_proposals = valid_response.json()
print("No response from Insight API. Exiting...")
return valid_proposals
def check_governance_info():
insight_url = ""
governance_response = requests.get(insight_url)
if governance_response.status_code == 200:
governance_info = governance_response.json()
print("No response from Insight API. Exiting...")
return governance_info
def get_network_status():
insight_url = ""
blockchain_status = requests.get(insight_url)
if blockchain_status.status_code == 200:
blockchain_info = blockchain_status.json()
print("No response from Insight API. Exiting...")
return blockchain_info
def predict_sb_time(network_status=None, block_height=None):
if network_status is None:
network_status = get_network_status()
cur_block = network_status['info']['blocks']
cur_blocktime = int(time.time())
if block_height is None:
block_height = check_governance_info()['result']['nextsuperblock']
block_diff = block_height - cur_block
predicted_block_time = int((block_diff * 2.625 * 60) + cur_blocktime)
return predicted_block_time
def get_unique_proposal_data(p_hash=""):
dc_url = "{}".format(p_hash)
p_info = requests.get(dc_url).json()
p_info = p_info['proposal']
p_info.pop('description_base64_bb', None)
p_info.pop('description_base64_html', None)
p_info.pop('comments', None)
return p_info
def get_superblock_history():
month_s = 2592000
api_base_url = ""
api_url = api_base_url + "/mvdash_budget_period_breakdown?period_end=lt.{}".format(int(time.time()) - (2 * month_s))
sb_data = requests.get(api_url)
if sb_data.status_code == 200:
sb_data = sb_data.json()
print("No response for Superblock Data... Exiting.")
return sb_data
def get_cb_tx_for_sb(blockheight):
block_data_url = "{}".format(blockheight)
block_tx_response = requests.get(block_data_url)
if block_tx_response.status_code == 200:
block_tx = block_tx_response.json()['tx']
print("Bad response for Superblock TX list.")
# Coinbase tx are always the first output in every block so we select the first entry listed
cb_tx = block_tx[0]
tx_data_url = "{}".format(cb_tx)
sb_tx_response = requests.get(tx_data_url)
if sb_tx_response.status_code == 200:
sb_tx_data = sb_tx_response.json()
print("Bad response for Superblock TX payments")
return sb_tx_data
def check_zombie_status(proposal_info):
address = proposal_info['DataObject']['payment_address']
amount = proposal_info['DataObject']['payment_amount']
start_epoch = proposal_info['DataObject']['start_epoch']
end_epoch = proposal_info['DataObject']['end_epoch']
# Get last 2 superblock heights
sb_1_height = check_governance_info()['result']['lastsuperblock']
sb_2_height = int(sb_1_height) - 16616
# Pull payment info for the previous two superblocks
sb_1_data = get_cb_tx_for_sb(sb_1_height)
sb_2_data = get_cb_tx_for_sb(sb_2_height)
# If proposal hasn't be around long enough to be consider a zombie, then it can't be one
if start_epoch > sb_2_data['time']:
zombie_status = False
return zombie_status
# Check for payment in the most recent superblock and if we find one, set zombie = False
for vout in sb_1_data['vout']:
if address in vout['scriptPubKey']['addresses']:
# Found a payment to this address in there, definitely not a zombie
zombie_status = False
return zombie_status
# Check for payment in the superblock before that one and if we find one, set zombie = False
for vout in sb_2_data['vout']:
if address in vout['scriptPubKey']['addresses']:
# Found a payment to this address in there, definitely not a zombie
zombie_status = False
return zombie_status
# If we don't find a payment in the previous two superblocks, we're assuming it's a zombie
zombie_status = True
return zombie_status
def combine(dc_data, valid_list):
# Generate list of proposal from DC
dc_hashes = []
for proposal in dc_data['proposals']:
# Generate list of actual proposals
insight_hashes = []
for proposal in valid_list:
# Remove valid but basically expired proposals from /valid
non_expired_hashes = []
sb_time = predict_sb_time()
print("Superblock Time = " + str(sb_time))
for proposal in valid_list: # Iterate through valid list
print("Epoch end = " + str(proposal['DataObject']['end_epoch']))
if proposal['DataObject']['end_epoch'] > sb_time:
print(sb_time - proposal['DataObject']['end_epoch'])
# Find the missing ones
missing_hashes = list(set(non_expired_hashes) - set(dc_hashes))
# Fetch data on missing ones and append
for count, p_hash in enumerate(missing_hashes):
print("Processing missing proposal {}/{}".format(count+1, len(missing_hashes)))
# Remove expired proposals from Dash Central data
final_data = []
time_string = "%Y-%m-%d %X"
for proposal in dc_data['proposals']:
end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(proposal['date_end'], format(time_string))
end_timestamp = end_time.timestamp()
if end_timestamp > sb_time:
# Generate new dictionary for of key/value pairs rather than list for valid proposal list
kv_valid = dict()
for proposal in valid_list:
kv_valid[proposal["Hash"]] = proposal
# Mark zombie proposals
# If proposal has more than two payments total but hasn't received one in the past two superblocks, mark as zombie
for proposal in final_data:
if proposal['total_payment_count'] > 2:
zombie_status = check_zombie_status(kv_valid[proposal['hash']])
proposal.update({"isZombie": zombie_status})
zombie_status = False
proposal.update({"isZombie": zombie_status})
print("Fetched all missing data... Returning.")
# Combine and prepare final dict
dc_data['proposals'] = final_data
return dc_data
if __name__ == "__main__":
combine(get_dc_data(), get_valid_list())
# predict_block_time(get_network_status())
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