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Last active May 2, 2017 14:23
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Ping the People 2017 Survey
I use Ping the People primarily in the role of a/an (check all that apply)
[] private citizen
[] member of an issue-focused organization
[] lobbyist
[] non-profit employee
[] government employee
[] other [ Text field ]
Choose the statement that best reflects your interest in Indiana legislation:
() I am interested in a small number of specific bills
() I am interested in many bills within one or more issue areas
I am most interested in tracking legislation regarding (check all that apply)
[] Education
[] Child Welfare
[] Reproductive Rights
[] Labor Rights
[] Business/Commerce
[] Tax Policy
[] Healthcare/Health policy
[] Poverty
[] Technology/Communications
[] Energy
[] Transportation
[] Environment/Climate Change
[] Voting Rights/Redistricting
[] Substance Abuse
[] Marginalized Populations
[] Other [ Text Field ]
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding your experience with the service (disagree / agree somewhat / strongly agree / n/a (default)):
1. I was able to more effectively advocate/organize as a result of the information in the watchlist and/or notifications.
2. I plan to use this service in the 2018 legislative session.
3. It was easy for me to find legislation that I was looking for
4. I discovered new legislation that was of interest to me
5. The watchlist made it easy to keep up to date on the legislation I was tracking
6. The watchlist provided me with useful/actionable information
7. The notifications I received provided me with useful/actionable information
8. I received a reasonable number of notifications
Please indicate how useful you would find the following features (not useful / somewhat useful / very useful / n/a (default)):
_ identify my legislator / show me how they voted
_ give me instructions for contacting legislators regarding a specific bill
_ let me indicate my support or opposition for a bill
_ let me share my watchlist with friends/colleagues
_ let me create group(s) of friends/colleagues with whom I can collaboratively watch legislation
_ show me 'popular' legislation that's being watched by others
_ show me campaign contribution information for bill authors
_ more advanced search options
_ more advanced bill view (history of actions, changes to the bill over time)
Additional feedback and comments: [ text field ]
If you are willing to be contacted about your responses, please provide an email address at which we can reach you: [ Text field ]
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jhoerr commented May 2, 2017

Version 1 is our original text
Version 2 is Al's suggested changes

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