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Created August 28, 2014 13:49
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A TeamCity metarunner to set .Net assembly version from Git release/tag
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<meta-runner name="Set Assembly Version from Git Release/Tag">
<description>Set the version of all assemblies to the value of the Git tag.</description>
<param name="autoinc.path" value="%autoinc.path%" spec="text description='The file containing per-configuration, per-branch build counters. Will be created if it does not exist.' display='normal' label='Build Counter Data File Path' validationMode='not_empty'" />
<runner name="Set Assembly Version from Git Release/Tag" type="jetbrains_powershell">
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_bitness" value="x86" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_execution" value="PS1" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_code"><![CDATA[function Update-SourceVersion($ver, $fileVer, $infoVer)
$newVer = "AssemblyVersion(""$ver"")"
$newFileVer = "AssemblyFileVersion(""$fileVer"")"
$newInfoVer = "AssemblyInformationalVersion(""$infoVer"")"
foreach ($o in $input)
Write-output $o.FullName
$TmpFile = $o.FullName + ".tmp"
get-content $o.FullName |
%{$_ -replace 'AssemblyVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', $newVer } |
%{$_ -replace 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', $newFileVer } |
%{$_ -replace 'AssemblyInformationalVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', $newInfoVer } > $TmpFile
move-item $TmpFile $o.FullName -force
function GetNextIncrement($buildId, $release)
$ht = @{}
$increment = 0;
$key = $buildId+$release;
$autoincPath = "%autoinc.path%"
Write-Host "Using versions file at $autoincPath"
# if the autoinc file exists, deserialize the data into a hashtable.
if(Test-Path -Path $autoincPath)
$json = Get-Content $autoincPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$ | Foreach { $ht[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
# if there is an existing increment for this $key, then fetch it.
if ($ht.ContainsKey($key))
$increment = $ht.Get_Item($key)
Write-Host "Last increment of $key is $increment"
# increment the increment.
$increment = 1 + $increment;
Write-Host "New increment of $key is $increment"
# if the autoinc file exists, persist the hashtable back to disk.
if(Test-Path -Path $autoincPath)
# update the hashtable...
$ht.Set_Item($key, $increment);
# ...and write it to disk.
ConvertTo-Json $ht -Compress | Set-Content $autoincPath
return $increment;
$version = "%build.number%"
$branch = ""
$beta = 0;
$suffix = "";
if ($branch -match "[\d]+.[\d]+(.[\d]+)?" -or $branch -match "master")
### master
if ($branch -match "master")
$version = git describe --abbrev=0
$patchBase = 200;
### release / hotfix
$version = $branch
$patchBase = 100;
$beta = GetNextIncrement "" "$branch"
$suffix = "-beta$beta"
$version = $version.Trim().TrimStart("v");
$parts = $version.Split(".")
$major = $parts[0]
$minor = $parts[1]
$patch = @{$true=$parts[2];$false=0}[$parts.Length -eq 3]
$patchFull = $patchBase + 10*$patch + $beta
$fileVersion = "$major.$minor.$patchFull"
$infoVersion = "$major.$minor.$patch$suffix"
### develop / feature branch
$fileVersion = $version;
$infoVersion = $version
Write-Host "Updating versions to $version / $fileVersion / $infoVersion..."
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildNumber '$infoVersion']"
foreach ($file in "AssemblyInfo.cs", "AssemblyInfo.vb" )
get-childitem -recurse |? {$_.Name -eq $file} | Update-SourceVersion $version $fileVersion $infoVersion;
Write-Host "Done"]]></param>
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_mode" value="CODE" />
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />
<requirements />
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