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Last active January 24, 2025 04:42
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Bash-only Laravel Artisan tab auto-complete

If you are an Oh-my-zsh user, see the Laravel 5 plugin

For the rest of us Bash users, all of the Laravel Artisan autocomplete solutions out there require installing a composer package to get a list of artisan commands. Turns out this isn't really necessary. Simply add the provided code in ~/.bash_profile ( or similarly sourced file ) and you'll get artisan command tab completes on any project on your system.

	COMMANDS=`php artisan --raw --no-ansi list | sed "s/[[:space:]].*//g"`
	return 0
complete -F _artisan art
complete -F _artisan artisan
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bhuvidya commented May 31, 2020

@surgiie Wow thanks for that - I hadn't realised. Cheers for the solution.

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sfinktah commented Oct 14, 2021

@bhuvidya I really like your caching idea, and props to everyone for their contributions. However it's just not autocomplete if it can't expand out the --many --forgettable --options.

You may apply your individual improves to this if you like:

# bash completion for artisan   -*- shell-script -*-

    while read -r first rest; do
        echo "$first"

    local cur prev words cword split
    local debug=0
    _init_completion -s -n : || return

    (( debug )) && {
        echo ""
        echo "===================="
        echo "cur: '$cur'"
        echo "prev: '$prev'"
        echo "words: '${words[@]}'"
        echo "cword: '${cword}'"
        echo "split: '${split}'"
        echo "--------------------"
        declare -p | grep 'COMP'
        echo "===================="
        echo ""

    case $prev in
            COMMANDS=$( php artisan --raw list | __get_first_word )
            COMPREPLY=(`compgen -W "$COMMANDS" -- "$cur"`)
            return 0

    case $cur in
            COMMANDS=$( php artisan ${words[1]} --help | sed 's/[][]//g' | _parse_help - )
            COMPREPLY=(`compgen -W "$COMMANDS" -- "$cur"`)
} &&
complete -F _artisan -o nospace artisan

# ex: filetype=sh

note: it wouldn't be that difficult to add database table/column name completion, but it would involve having write the solution partially in PHP as a laravel cli.

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DRSDavidSoft commented Dec 5, 2022

I wrote a small script so you can call artisan from sub directories of the project,
e.g: project/app/example $ artisan,
instead of only project $ artisan.

If interested, install it from here then change php artisan to artisan in your completion function.


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sfinktah commented Jan 23, 2023

@DRSDavidSoft ahh yes, those is one of the two cases that annoy me...

  1. having to change back to the webroot to run stuff
  2. not having autocompletion when i prefix it with sail

But I'm a little more lazy that you, and opted for this fix to find the webroot, inspired by you.


artisan () {
    pushd . > /dev/null
    while test ! -e artisan; do
        [[ $PWD == '/' ]] && break
        cd .. > /dev/null
    test -e artisan && php artisan "$@"
    popd > /dev/null

sail () { 
    pushd . > /dev/null;
    while test ! -e artisan; do
        [[ $PWD == '/' ]] && break;
        cd .. > /dev/null;
    test -e artisan && { 
        vendor/laravel/sail/bin/sail "$@";
    popd > /dev/null

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@sfinktah Awesome idea, even better to write it directly in bash instead of php! 👍

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zahardev commented Jan 6, 2024

@sfinktah Thank you, it should be in the Laravel/Sail docs!

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sfinktah commented Apr 1, 2024


Thanks! But I can't even get permission to contribute to the Laravel Nova repo, and I'm a paid subscriber.

P.S. @matthiasl Euphoria BBS?

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