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Last active July 2, 2024 10:13
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Removable Laravel Routes

Removable Laravel Routes

This is a Laravel Router mixin that was originally written for a Laravel Spark app that allows you to remove previously defined routes that are hard coded in a package.

We no longer need it, but thought the code might be useful to someone so here it is


This should not be used to modify the authentication routes that come with Laravel out if the box. There is a much easier way to do this. See the documentation and Stack Overflow for examples.


Create an app/Routing folder containing RemovableRoutesMixin.php and RemovableRouteCollection.php.

In the boot method of app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php, add the RemovableRoutesMixin to the Router:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Routing\RemovableRoutesMixin;


    public function boot()
        Route::mixin(new RemovableRoutesMixin());


In your routes files ( ex: routes/web.php ) you can now call any of the following methods to remove any registered routes:

// Remove any route by verb
Route::remove('GET', 'foobar');

// Remove a route using a verb specific method

// Remove a route using any verb


Optionally, a unit test class is provided as well. Save RemovableRoutesTest.php to the tests/Unit folder.

namespace App\Routing;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Routing\Route;
use Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection;
class RemovableRouteCollection extends RouteCollection
* Clone a base route collection into an removable instance
* @param \Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection $base
* @return \App\Routing\RouteCollection
public static function cloneFrom(RouteCollection $base)
$clone = new static();
$clone->routes = $base->routes;
$clone->allRoutes = $base->allRoutes;
$clone->nameList = $base->nameList;
$clone->actionList = $base->actionList;
return $clone;
* Remove a Route instance from the collection by uri for any method
* @param mixed $methods
* @param string $uri
* @return static
public function remove($methods, string $uri)
foreach ($this->routes as $method => $routes) {
if (! in_array($method, Arr::wrap($methods))) {
foreach ($routes as $domainAndUri => $route) {
if (trim($uri, '/') !== $route->uri()) {
$this->removeRoute($route, $method, $domainAndUri);
return $this;
* Remove all matching routes for the given method
* @param \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route
* @param string $method
* @param string $domainAndUri
* @return void
protected function removeRoute(Route $route, string $method, string $domainAndUri)
unset($this->allRoutes[$method . $domainAndUri]);
if ($name = $route->getName()) {
$action = $route->getAction();
if (isset($action['controller'])) {
unset($this->actionList[trim($action['controller'], '\\')]);
namespace App\Routing;
use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use App\Routing\RemovableRouteCollection;
* This is an Illuminate\Routing\Router mixin ( see Macroables ) that enables
* the hard removal of routes that are pre-defined by Spark or other packages.
* This is done both for route organizing and security purposes.
class RemovableRoutesMixin
* Remove a route using the provided method and uri
* @return closure
public function remove()
return function (string $method, string $uri) {
->remove(strtoupper($method), $uri)
* Remove a Get route using the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removeGet()
return function (string $uri) {
->remove('GET', $uri)
* Remove a Post route using the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removePost()
return function (string $uri) {
->remove('POST', $uri)
* Remove a Put route using the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removePut()
return function (string $uri) {
->remove('PUT', $uri)
* Remove a Patch route using the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removePatch()
return function (string $uri) {
->remove('PATCH', $uri)
* Remove a Delete route using the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removeDelete()
return function (string $uri) {
->remove('DELETE', $uri)
* Remove a Options route using the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removeOptions()
return function (string $uri) {
->remove('OPTIONS', $uri)
* Remove routes using any method that matches the provided uri
* @return closure
public function removeAny()
return function ($uri) {
->remove(Router::$verbs, $uri)
namespace Tests\Unit;
use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
use App\Routing\RemovableRoutesMixin;
class RemovableRoutesTest extends TestCase
* @test
public function mixinAddsMethodsToRoute()
$router = new Router(new Dispatcher());
$this->assertTrue(method_exists(Router::class, 'mixin'));
$router->mixin(new RemovableRoutesMixin());
foreach (get_class_methods(RemovableRoutesMixin::class) as $method) {
* @test
public function routesCanBeRemovedWithMethod()
$router = new Router(new Dispatcher());
$router->mixin(new RemovableRoutesMixin());
$router->remove('get', 'foobar');
$router->remove('post', 'bazqux');
$router->remove('put', 'quxcorge');
$router->remove('patch', 'corgegrault');
$router->remove('delete', 'graultgarply');
$router->remove('options', 'garplywaldo');
* @test
public function routesCanBeRemovedUsingSpecificHelper()
$router = new Router(new Dispatcher());
$router->mixin(new RemovableRoutesMixin());
* @test
public function routesCanBeRemovedUsingDeleteAny()
$router = new Router(new Dispatcher());
$router->mixin(new RemovableRoutesMixin());
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