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Last active May 22, 2019 20:27
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cattlectl debug
url: https://rancher-url
access_key: accesskey
secret_key: secretkey
cluster_id: c-lmq2x
insecure_api: true
$ cattlectl -v1 apply
DEBU[0000] load values values-file=/home/jhoffmann/test/values.yaml
DEBU[0000] Create Management Client rancher.url="https://XXXXXXXX/v3"
WARN[0000] Without SSL verification rancher.url="https://XXXXXXXX/v3"
ERRO[0000] Failed to create management client error="Bad response statusCode [401]. Status [401 Unauthorized]. Body: [message=must authenticate] from [https://XXXXXXXX/v3]" rancher.url="https://XXXXXXXX/v3"
FATA[0000] Failed to create management client, Bad response statusCode [401]. Status [401 Unauthorized]. Body: [message=must authenticate] from [https://XXXXXXXX/v3] apply_file=project.yaml project_name=my-wordpress-blog wordpress="map[email:info@my-wordpress-blog password:a-simple-password-to-be-changed username:my-wordpress-user]"
api_version: v1.0
kind: Project
name: {{ .project_name }}
- name: {{ .project_name }}-web
- name: blog-wordpress
catalog: library
chart: wordpress
version: "2.1.10"
namespace: {{ .project_name }}-web
wordpressUsername: {{ .wordpress.username }}
wordpressPassword: {{ .wordpress.password }}
wordpressEmail: {{ }}
mariadb.master.persistence.enabled: 'false'
persistence.enabled: 'false'
#ingress.enabled: true
serviceType: ClusterIP
$ rancher login --token token:secret --skip-verify https://rancher-url
INFO[0000] Only 1 project available: System
INFO[0000] Saving config to /home/jhoffmann/.rancher/cli2.json
project_name: my-wordpress-blog
username: 'my-wordpress-user'
password: 'a-simple-password-to-be-changed'
email: 'info@my-wordpress-blog'
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