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Created May 24, 2016 20:34
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> devtools::test()
Loading tidytext
Testing tidytext
Corpus tidiers: ..
dictionary tidiers:
LDA tidiers: .................................
Counting pairs: W.......W..W..WW...
Sparse casters: ................1
Sparse tidiers: ......
tf-idf calculation: ...........
Unnesting tokens: ...........2...3.........
Warnings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. pairing and counting works (@test-pair-count.R#15) - pair_count is deprecated, see pairwise_count in the widyr package instead:
2. pairing and counting works (@test-pair-count.R#31) - pair_count is deprecated, see pairwise_count in the widyr package instead:
3. pairing and counting works (@test-pair-count.R#47) - pair_count is deprecated, see pairwise_count in the widyr package instead:
4. Counts co-occurences of words in Pride & Prejudice (@test-pair-count.R#55) - package ‘janeaustenr’ was built under R version 3.2.5
5. Counts co-occurences of words in Pride & Prejudice (@test-pair-count.R#60) - pair_count is deprecated, see pairwise_count in the widyr package instead:
Failed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Error: Can cast tables into a sparse dfm (@test-sparse-casters.R#49) ----------------------------
“dfmSparse” is not a defined class
1: cast_dfm(dat, a, b, val) at C:\Users\JHollist\Desktop\tidytext/tests/testthat/test-sparse-casters.R:49
2: cast_dfm_(data, col_name(substitute(document)), col_name(substitute(term)), col_name(substitute(value)),
...) at C:\Users\JHollist\Desktop\tidytext/R/sparse_casters.R:160
3: methods::new("dfmSparse", m) at C:\Users\JHollist\Desktop\tidytext/R/sparse_casters.R:153
4: getClass(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame()))
5: stop(gettextf("%s is not a defined class", dQuote(Class)), domain = NA)
2. Failure: tokenizing by ngram and skip ngram works (@test-unnest-tokens.R#58) --------------------
nrow(d) not equal to 68.
1/1 mismatches
[1] 69 - 68 == 1
3. Failure: tokenizing by ngram and skip ngram works (@test-unnest-tokens.R#65) --------------------
nrow(d) not equal to 189.
1/1 mismatches
[1] 192 - 189 == 3
DONE ===============================================================================================
Warning message:
package ‘topicmodels’ was built under R version 3.2.5
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