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Created January 12, 2022 10:29
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- *******************************************************************
Copyright (c) James O'Neill 2022 - Shared under the MIT License
Allows [consoleColor] to be used like this
ps > [ConsoleColor]::Red.Foreground("This is red")
ps > [ConsoleColor]::DarkYellow.Background([ConsoleColor]::red.Foreground("This is red on darkyellow"))
Or in a function where
param ( [ConsoleColor]$NewItemColor = "Green")
foreach ($f in $file) {
if ($f.LastWriteTime -lt [datetime]::Today) {$}
else {$NewItemColor.Foreground($}
******************************************************************** -->
param ($Text)
if ($psstyle) {
return @{
'Black' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Black
'DarkBlue' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Blue
'DarkGreen' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Green
'DarkCyan' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Cyan
'DarkRed' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Red
'DarkMagenta' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Magenta
'DarkYellow' = $PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow
'Gray' = $PSStyle.Foreground.White
'DarkGray' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack
'Blue' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlue
'Green' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightGreen
'Cyan' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightCyan
'Red' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightRed
'Magenta' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightMagenta
'Yellow' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightYellow
'White' = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightWhite
}[$this.ToString()] + $Text + $psstyle.Reset
else {return @{
'Black' = "$([char]27)[30m"
'DarkBlue' = "$([char]27)[34m"
'DarkGreen' = "$([char]27)[32m"
'DarkCyan' = "$([char]27)[36m"
'DarkRed' = "$([char]27)[31m"
'DarkMagenta' = "$([char]27)[35m"
'DarkYellow' = "$([char]27)[33m"
'Gray' = "$([char]27)[37m"
'DarkGray' = "$([char]27)[90m"
'Blue' = "$([char]27)[94m"
'Green' = "$([char]27)[92m"
'Cyan' = "$([char]27)[96m"
'Red' = "$([char]27)[91m"
'Magenta' = "$([char]27)[95m"
'Yellow' = "$([char]27)[93m"
'White' = "$([char]27)[97m"
}[$this.ToString()] + $Text + "$([char]27)[0m"
param ($Text)
if ($psstyle) {
return @{
'Black' = $PSStyle.Background.Black
'DarkBlue' = $PSStyle.Background.Blue
'DarkGreen' = $PSStyle.Background.Green
'DarkCyan' = $PSStyle.Background.Cyan
'DarkRed' = $PSStyle.Background.Red
'DarkMagenta' = $PSStyle.Background.Magenta
'DarkYellow' = $PSStyle.Background.Yellow
'Gray' = $PSStyle.Background.White
'DarkGray' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightBlack
'Blue' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightBlue
'Green' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightGreen
'Cyan' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightCyan
'Red' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightRed
'Magenta' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightMagenta
'Yellow' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightYellow
'White' = $PSStyle.Background.BrightWhite
}[$this.ToString()] + $Text + $psstyle.Reset
else {return @{
'Black' = "$([char]27)[40m"
'DarkBlue' = "$([char]27)[44m"
'DarkGreen' = "$([char]27)[42m"
'DarkCyan' = "$([char]27)[46m"
'DarkRed' = "$([char]27)[41m"
'DarkMagenta' = "$([char]27)[45m"
'DarkYellow' = "$([char]27)[43m"
'Gray' = "$([char]27)[47m"
'DarkGray' = "$([char]27)[100m"
'Blue' = "$([char]27)[104m"
'Green' = "$([char]27)[102m"
'Cyan' = "$([char]27)[106m"
'Red' = "$([char]27)[101m"
'Magenta' = "$([char]27)[105m"
'Yellow' = "$([char]27)[103m"
'White' = "$([char]27)[107m"
}[$this.ToString()] + $Text + "$([char]27)[0m"
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